Which Classic Novel Sums Up Your Love Life?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Classic Novel Sums Up Your Love Life?
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About This Quiz

Let's face it, your love life would make a great novel. There have been millions of novels written over the years, but in all that time, there have only been a handful of classics. A novel can be good, or even great and still not be considered a classic novel. You might think that your love life wouldn't make a great classic novel, but you could be wrong. All sorts of people would want to read about it, a good love story is all in the telling after all.

Are you like Holden Caulfield in "A Catcher in the Rye" someone who is super intelligent and interesting, but never really quite figures out what person would be best for you? Or maybe you are a character in "1984" who is a bit too intense when it comes to love. Does the romance of "Pride and Prejudice" tell the story of your life? Or maybe the tale of your love life can be told by the novel "Moby Dick," although we sure hope not. 

If you think your love life is truly like one of the ones we love to read about, take this quiz to find out what great tome means to speaks of your life the most.

Where is your ideal place to live?
In the country.
On an island.
In the city.
A fancy mansion on a hill.
How do you think others perceive your love life?
Do you have many friends?
A few very good ones.
I'm surrounded by family all the time.
One, but I trust others to a limit.
None. I prefer my solitude.


What is your passion in life?
To just figure it out.
To build a legacy.
To become the best at what I do.
Which occupation would you like to have?
A successful lawyer.
A leader.
A writer.
A scientist.
Why do you read classic literature?
For motivation.
Purely for fun.
Because it teaches me about my life.
I'm not sure. I've just always been drawn to classics.


Where does your story begin?
When I was a child.
In my 20s.
After I achieved success.
After much loss.
Do you want to write your own memoirs?
Yes, of course. To be released posthumously.
Well, it would help explain my life.
Never thought of it.
Where is your favorite place to read?
In my reading room.
In my rocking chair.
Wherever I can.
Under the covers.


What do you think the life of a novelist is like?
Surrounded by wealth.
Which character type are you most attracted to?
The unwitting.
The character who struggles for the entire novel and may not actually win.
The mysterious character who seemingly has everything.
The character with a ton of potential and equal amount of bad luck.
Which of these characters would be your best friend?
José Arcadio Buendía
Jay Gatsby.
Dr. Frankenstein.


When do you think the greatest classics were written?
Mid 19th century.
Mid 20th century.
Early 20th century.
18th century.
What kind of classic do you enjoy reading?
Science fiction.
How were you introduced to reading?
My family always had a large library.
A teacher when I was in elementary school.
I have no idea.
I read a book in school and loved it.


Which classic was your first read?
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
"Great Expectations"
"Tom Sawyer"
Should there be romance in your classic?
Yes, always.
It's not too important.
I am a sucker for romance.
If it makes sense.
Do the novels you read reflect your own passion?
Rarely. I use novels as an escape.
I'm not sure.


What is your relationship status?
I play a good stalker role.
Happily married.
Stuck in a book.
I get around, but it's difficult.
Which part of your life does your favorite book emulate?
My success story.
My love story.
My failures.
My entire story.
How cool would it be to have a personal benefactor?
It would be sweet!
I would hate it. I make my own self.
I like the sound of it, but what's the catch?
How about just a friend?


Who do you tell all your secrets?
My best friend.
My significant other.
Nobody. I internalize everything.
My parents.
What is the best time of the day to read?
Early in the morning before anyone else wakes up.
At lunch.
In the evening as I settle down.
Whenever I get a chance.
Which kind of a job do you have?
I'm self-employed and can do whatever I want.
A labor intensive job.
A job with flexibility.
I'm stuck in a closed off room all day.


How do you wake up in the morning?
Waking up suffocates me.
I take my time and am always late.
It's not a pretty sight.
What is your reading beverage?
Hot tea.
Black and thick coffee.
Where are you on Friday night?
Hanging out with my chums.
At work.
Gambling somewhere.
At home getting ready for bed.


Does your significant other need to be into reading?
It helps.
It's not necessary. Reading is personal to me.
It'd be nice, but it's not a rule.
What are books to you?
My safe zone.
My best friend.
A form of entertainment.
Something to do.
How do you choose your classic novel?
Recommendation from someone I trust.
I have a long list.
I randomly choose.
I spend forever at the bookstore, but ultimately it comes down to the cover.


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