Which Country Is Responsible for These Great Inventions?
By: Jacqueline Samaroo
2 min
Image: Shutterstock
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Ever wonder where the microwave oven came from? Do you know where the motorcycle was invented? In today's modern society we take so many of the everyday things that we interact with on a day to day basis for granted. From things in our bathrooms, like toilets and shampoo, to the glasses that we wear and the paper that we write on; so many things that seem simple or mundane now were instrumental achievements when they were first conceived.
One of the most interesting things about the various notable inventions throughout history is the fact that they were not just concentrated in one location. Instead, the great inventions and breakthroughs throughout history were spread out all across the world. This quiz takes a look at 40 important inventions -- some of them very iconic, while others are not quite as well known. This gives this inventions quiz a reasonable level of difficulty that with put your knowledge of the world to the test. So, are you ready to invent and patent a few answers for this quiz? Then grab your wrench and screwdriver and start to tinker away at these 40 challenging questions!
Which country did this invention come from?
The first manned helicopter was developed in France. French engineer Paul Cornu designed and piloted it himself at Normandy, France, on November 13, 1907.
The first successful airplane was invented in the United States of America. The Wright brothers (Orville and Wilbur) are credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane.
The modern parachute was invented in France. French inventor, chemist, and physicist, Louis-Sébastien Lenormand made the first recorded public jump in 1783.
Paper was first developed in China. While the exact origins are unknown, Cai Lun, a eunuch, inventor, and politician, is oftentimes credited as the inventor of paper.
The walkie-talkie was invented in Canada. Inventor Donald Higgs and engineer Alfred J. Gross are both oftentimes credited with the creation of the walkie-talkie during the Second World War.
The hook-and-loop fastener was invented in Switzerland. This invention is commonly referred to by the genericized trademark, "Velcro,†and it was invented in 1941 by Swiss engineer George de Mestral.
Sherry was created in Spain. Sherry is notable for the fact that it has what is known as "protected designation of origin status.†This means that all wine labeled as "Sherry" must legally come from the Sherry Triangle in Spain.
Historically, the oldest board game was found in Egypt. This board game, Senet, dates back to around 3100 BC, and all of the original rules are still not fully understood.
The toaster was created and introduced in Scotland. Alan MacMasters from Edinburgh, Scotland, is credited with being the inventor of the very first electric bread toaster in 1893.
The laptop was first conceived in Japan. Although several portable computer prototypes had been attempted earlier, the first successful laptop-sized computer was the Epson HX-20 that was introduced by the Seiko Epson Corporation.
The microwave oven was developed in the United States of America. The invention of the modern microwave oven was pioneered in the U.S., with the first one made commercially available in 1947.
Radio was formally established in Italy. While there were many brilliant minds working on the subject of radio transmission (both practically and theoretically), Italian inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Marconi is credited as the inventor of the radio.
The sawmill was invented in Hierapolis in the Roman Empire (now located in modern day Turkey). The oldest example of a sawmill dates back to the second half of the 3rd century.
The Molotov cocktail was first created and used in Spain. While simple in its inception, the Molotov cocktail is a deadly weapon and it was used for the first time in the Spanish Civil War.
The laser was first developed in the United States of America. The very first laser was invented in 1960 by Theodore H. Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories.
The flush toilet was first developed and introduced in India. Ancient civilization in the Indus Valley from as far back as approximately 2000 BC have been found to have utilized flush toilets and substantial sewage systems in some significant capacity.
The hive frame was first conceived and implemented in Ukraine. Petro Prokopovych, the inventor of the hive frame, is oftentimes also referred to as the founder of commercial beekeeping and he is notable for having owned almost 600 beehives.
Bowling was invented and first played in Egypt in 3200 BC. Archeologists and historians have even discovered bowling balls that were made using the husks of grains, leather, and string.
Gunpowder was invented and first utilized in China. Although there is some debate around the exact origins of gunpowder, some texts state that Chinese alchemists discovered gunpowder accidentally while trying to create elixir of life.
The postage stamp was first created and used in the United Kingdom. While there were previously many other ways that people could indicate that postage had been paid, English merchant William Dockwra developed the first postage stamp in 1680.
The postal code was first introduced in Ukraine (at that time the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic). This system was introduced in 1932 but was abandoned shortly after in 1939. However, other countries, like Germany, Argentina, and the United States, followed with similar systems in the following years.
Shampoo was first created and used in India. A variety of herbs and extracts have been used as shampoos since ancient times in India and in the colonial era this was subsequently introduced to Europe.
The monorail was first introduced in Russia. Ivan Elmanov, a Russian inventor, is responsible for creating the very first successful monorail prototype.
By Nimbus227derivative work: Nimbus227 via Wikimedia Commons
Which country did this invention come from?
United Kingdom
The connecting rod was first utilized in Roman Asia (modern day Turkey). This implement was utilized as an integral part of the Hierapolis sawmill in the late 3rd century.
The telescope was first invented in the Netherlands. The oldest existing record of any telescope is a patent that was submitted in 1608 by Hans Lippershey, a spectacle maker.
The fire extinguisher was first invented in the United Kingdom. This initial fire extinguisher was patented in England in 1723 by a then renowned chemist, Ambrose Godfrey.
The motorcycle created and was first introduced in Germany. Introduced in 1894, the first series production motorcycle was the Hildebrand & Wolfmüller.
Chess was invented and subsequently developed in Eastern India. Chess is estimated to have been invented somewhere between 200 AD and 550 AD, and it was linked to the four divisions of the Indian military: infantry (pawn), cavalry (knight), elephants (bishop), and chariotry (rook).
The adding machine was invented in France. Blaise Pascal, an accomplished French mathematician, physicist, inventor, and writer, is credited with the invention of the adding machine in 1642. However, French inventor and entrepreneur Charles Xavier Thomas introduced the first commercially successful mechanical calculator.
The vacuum flask was designed and invented in Scotland. Sir James Dewar, a Scottish chemist and physicist, is credited with the creation of the vacuum flask in 1892.
The boomerang was invented in Australia thousands of years ago. The boomerang is a hunting and recreational tool that is thought to be tens of thousands of years old, with the oldest recovered one dating to around 10,000 BC.
The queen excluder was developed and created Ukraine. Petro Prokopovych invented the first queen excluder along with the first hive frame. However, the use of queen excluders is still heavily debated (as it relates to hive efficiency) to this day.
Glasses were initially conceived and invented in Italy. The exact date of the invention of glasses is debatable but it is approximately 1290 AD and by 1301, there were already guild regulations in Venice governing the sale of eyeglasses.