Which Cruel Intentions Character are You?

By: Artimis Charvet
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Cruel Intentions Character are You?
Image: The Movie DB

About This Quiz

Who can forget this beloved late 90s classic? Who would you dare to be? The seductive Sebastian, the double-crossing Kathryn, or the naive Annette? Only one way to find out!
When it comes to losing your V-card, how do you want it to happen?
Are you talking about sex?
I lost that long ago, can't even remember who it was with.
I'm waiting for love.
I wouldn't mind if "Spartacus" was playing in the background.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
That I could be more confident.
That I wouldn't be looked at as only a smart person.
That I could be better and attract even more attention than I already do.
That I could be more outgoing.
What's your ideal first date?
I don't really date.
A romantic walk on the beach after dinner.
A day of volunteering.
Whatever it takes to get them out of their pants.


What's your worst quality?
You're lazy.
You tend to fly off the handle.
You're a diva.
You're overly sensitive.
Is popularity important to you?
Nah you're a free spirit.
It used to be, but now you don't really care.
Is it okay to destroy someone else if it means you'll be better off in the end?
Mostly yes.


Which game would you prefer to play?
You've got a huge crush on someone. How do you handle it?
I hit on them immediately.
I make them laugh: humor is an aphrodisiac right?
I hang around them constantly and hope they get the hint.
I'm too shy to do anything about it.
What group were you a part of in high school?
Popular kids.
The nerds.
Band geeks.


What would cause you to end up in detention?
Skipping school.
Getting into a fight.
Talking too much in class.
Horrible grades.
What's your relationship with your parents like?
We don't get along.
They're judgmental about my life choices.
I'm their favorite child.
We've gotten closer as you've grown older.
What would you do on an ideal Friday night?
Get into all kinds of trouble.
Design a killer outfit.
Dinner and a movie with friends.
Hit up a karaoke bar.


Do you open up to other people?
Yes, but I hold back quite a bit.
All the time.
Yes, but I am not always truthful.
When making a big decision, who do you trust?
My best friend.
My family.
My instincts.
My mentor.
What song describes you?
"Lips are Movin'" by Meghan Trainor.
"I Love Rock 'n Roll" by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts.
"Blank Space" by Taylor Swift.
"Stay with Me" by Sam Smith.


Which do you think about most: past, present, or future?
I send equal time thinking about all of them.
What's most important to you right now?
Friends and family.
My career.
My cat.
Has life been harsh to you?
You have no idea.
Of course.
No, I've lived a pretty charmed life.
It's average.


How important is appearance to you?
Not at all.
Depends on the day.
What is your relationship status?
It's complicated.
Which movie would you watch on a date?
"The Notebook."
"Iron Man."
"The Graduate."
"The Little Rascals."


If you were trapped on a deserted island and could bring one object what would it be?
A boat.
My knives.
My friends, at least I won't be alone.
Which is your preferred method of socializing?
Participating in a sport.
Hanging out with friends.
What's your flirting style?
Turning up the charm.
Shy glances.
Witty banter.
Dancing, lots, and lots of dancing.


How would you show PDA?
A make out session.
Peck on the cheek.
Anything goes.
Holding hands.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Write in my journal.
File my nails.
Play music.
How do you convince people to do something for you?
I can just do it myself actually, that way I know it gets done right.
I ask them.
A sweet smile and some long legs can get you pretty far.
People are usually asking me for help, not the other way around.


What's your policy on incest?
Is this actually a question?
Are we including step-siblings, because that's totally okay.
I'll be praying for the person who asked this question.
Whatever, I don't care.
What was your first kiss like?
Sweet and simple.
I haven't had it yet.
Sensual and steamy.
I can't remember.
Have you ever done drugs?
All the drugs!
I would never!


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