Image: YouTube, The Movie DB
About This Quiz
Everybody wants to be a cat because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at! Pick up on this feline beat and find out which Disney cat purrs within your soul!
You woke up late, what do you complain about?
I missed my meeting!
Why did no one wake me?!
Do I really have to get up?
Well no shower today I suppose.
Do people have a hard time ignoring you?
Yeah it's basically impossible.
No, they tend to ignore me.
Depends on if I'm trying to go unnoticed or not.
Why would anyone ignore me?
Do you like hugs?
I am all about the hugs!
I try to avoid hugs.
If someone else tries to hug me, I suppose it's okay.
No, no hugs! I need my space!
Someone asks you for directions. What do you do?
Send them to the wolves.
Stop what your doing and take them yourself.
Does it look like I am moving from this spot anytime soon?
Call your personal driver to take them where they need to go.
How do you feel about Mondays?
Screw man-made schedules!
Great! I love getting to see people!
I'm cool with whatever.
What's your favorite magazine?
"TV Guide."
"Guns and Ammo."
"Genii Magazine."
"Survivalist Magazine."
Which invention would you like to take credit for?
The mouse trap.
The axe.
The remote control.
The Gucci handbag.
Have you ever been accused of being distant and cold?
*sigh* Yes.
Maybe at first, before I warm up to them.
Does it matter what others think?
Which artist/band name most closely describes one of your obsessions?
The Postal Service.
Suicidal Tendencies.
Modest Mouse.
Where is the best place to take a nap?
Under a shady tree.
On a warm rock.
Under the beaming sun.
In a dumpster.
What is your go-to birthday gift for a friend?
A mouse.
A most delicious cake.
A fancy bow.
A shiny new collar.
If I say cats rule, what do you say?
Dogs are awesome as well.
Dogs smell like garbage.
Dogs eat.
Dogs drool.
Time for a bath! What's your reaction?
Over my dead body!
Step away from me...
I am indifferent.
A dog is approaching you, what do you do?
Watch them bemusedly because I know I could take them.
Run away!
Hiss? I roar!
Hiss like a ferocious beast.