Which Earth Element Corresponds With Your Personality?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which Earth Element Corresponds With Your Personality?
Image: SEAN GLADWELL / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Take a look around you. The world is filled with beauty that stems from several types of Earth elements. These elements help to bring balance to our world, as well as harmony and peace with humans, animals and nature. Some of these elements also bring chaos and destruction to our planet, but this only occurs on rare occasions. Now you might be wondering, "What does all of this Earth stuff have to do with my personality?" Well don't worry, we're going to discuss this right now!

Human beings and natural elements are not all that different from each other. In fact, we're all part of this Earth, and that means that we must all share at least some similar traits. For example, if you have a calm personality coupled with a carefree and mellow spirit, then you're probably more grounded in nature. Or maybe, your personality is more mysterious with a mix of subtle behavior traits. 

While we won't reveal these types of Earth elements just yet, we assure you that all of these elements are an essential part of this world! If you're curious about where you stand in this beautiful world, take our elemental personality quiz now!

Are you a generally happy person or does your mood shift depending on how stressed out you feel?
I always feel angry and/or stressed out.
For the most part, I'm pretty happy but I have some off days.
I'm always happy!
My mood is constantly shifting.
Do you often meditate to become one with nature or does this sound like a cheesy thing to do?
That sounds super cheesy.
I've never tried meditating, but I would love to.
I love meditating!
Meditating doesn't really work for me.
When you become angry with someone, do you act in a more passive-aggressive, calm or an aggressive way?
It depends on how angry I am.


Would you trade all of the wealth you have for all of the wisdom in the world?
No way!
Can I at least keep my home?
Do I get my wealth back eventually?
Let's say that your personality is similar to a body of water. Which of the following would it represent the most?
Which of your personality traits would you like to be remembered for after you leave this Earth?
My sense of adventure
My intelligence
My wisdom
My humor


If life was like one big garden, what types of flowers would be growing on your path to success?
Think carefully now! Would it be more interesting to talk to your past self or your future self?
My past self
My future self
Do you feel a burst of confidence through makeup and/or fashionable clothes or does your confidence come from within?
I get more confidence from makeup and/or clothes.
Both of these ring true to me.
Confidence always comes from within.
I never really feel confident in myself.


Take a trip down memory lane with some old movies! Which of the following classic movie titles accurately describes your current life?
Raging Bull
Singin' in the Rain
It's a Wonderful Life
On a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the highest), how high (or low) is your work ethic on a typical day?
Is it OK to be wrong sometimes or do you find yourself being right 100% of the time?
I'm always right.
Sometimes I'm wrong, and I don't mind admitting this.
I'm usually wrong about things.
It depends on the situation.


Everyone possesses a mix of both masculine and feminine traits. What % of these two categories do you currently possess?
60% masculine and 40% feminine
50% masculine and 50% feminine
80% feminine and 20% masculine
80% masculine and 20% feminine
Do you approach a challenge in life like a walk in the park or is it more like climbing Mount Everest?
It's just like climbing Mount Everest.
It depends on the life challenge.
It's like a walk in the park for me.
It's like something else for me.
Does bungee jumping sound like fun to you or is this actually a total nightmare in disguise?
That sounds super fun!
That sounds like a nightmare.
I'm indifferent about bungee jumping.
I don't know, but I want to try it!


Let's talk about your mind for a moment! Is it clouded with restless thoughts or is it as clear as a beautiful day outside?
It's always clouded.
It's somewhere in the middle of these two.
It's always very clear.
It depends on the day.
Let's pretend that you have unlimited knowledge. Do you feel that this would be more of a blessing or a curse?
A blessing
I'm not really sure.
A curse
Maybe a bit of both
When you hear the phrase "working out," do you jump for joy or does your mind immediately fill with dread?
I jump for joy!
I'm immediately filled with dread.
I feel indifferent about working out.
It depends on the type of work out.


On the scale of easy to difficult, how hard is it for you to keep a dark secret from others?
Somewhat easy
Very easy
Somewhere in the middle
Would you rather gain $100 extra per week or earn one extra day off for leisurely activities?
I'll take the money!
I'm not really sure yet.
I'll take the day off.
Can I get $50 per week with a half a day off?
It's back to school season! If you could become an expert with one of these school subjects, which one would you pick?


When it comes to cleaning your home, do you find these types of tasks to be boring or more therapeutic?
It depends on the cleaning task.
I'm indifferent about cleaning.
Who do you identify with the most in the Super Mario games: a leader like Mario or a follower like Luigi?
Is it more beneficial to learn from your own mistakes in life or from the mistakes of other people?
The mistakes of other people
It depends on the situation.
It's important to learn from both of these aspects.
My own mistakes


If you lost at a competitive game of Monopoly with some friends, would you feel like a sore loser or more indifferent about the game?
I would find new friends to play with.
I would feel indifferent about it.
I would feel happy that I played at all.
I would feel like a sore loser.
When it comes to nailing a job interview, which of the following do you tend to focus on the most?
My resume
Something else
My personality
My job interview outfit
Is success equivalent to earning a large amount of money or does success mean something else to you?
Success is definitely equivalent to money for me.
I'm already successful in my own way.
Success is equivalent to happiness for me.
Success means something else to me.


Do you secretly judge other people by their appearance or is this the polar opposite of who you really are?
I always judge others by their appearance.
I judge other people, but not by their appearance.
This is the opposite of who I am.
It depends on the person.
When it comes to your social circle, would you describe it as the size of a mansion or is it as small as a lawn chair?
It's as big as a mansion.
It's as small as a lawn chair.
My social circle is constantly shrinking and/or expanding.
It's as big (or small) as something else.
When it comes to solving problems in life, is it better to solve them yourself or rely on other people for help?
I always solve problems on my own.
It's always better to ask for help.
It depends on the problem.
I usually ask for hints, not help.


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