Which European City Should You Live In?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which European City Should You Live In?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

No matter what kind of lifestyle you are looking to lead, Europe has a city built just for you! Okay, so, it wasn't built specifically for you. Europe is sure to have a city designed to suit your every need and whim. Get out your passport and travel overseas with us, and help us find your future European home! You don't need your passport for the quiz, but a little geographical knowledge might not hurt.

Tell us the things you value in life, and share the things you need to live near. Additionally, your everyday routine could offer valuable insight into finding the perfect European city. Are you willing to learn an entirely new language or would you prefer to stay in an English speaking country? Telling us what you need to feel happiest and will go a long way to finding your new city. With such rich city histories, you might just be happy to live in any one of Europe's cities. However, we think we should get a little more specific during this quiz.

Let's narrow down pieces of your lifestyle that you want to keep when you live overseas. Then, we'll take at the things you want from a European city. With a little internet magic, your answer will transport you. And you won't even have to go through baggage claim!

How much do you enjoy riding a bike?
I ride a bike every day.
I need to ride my bike more.
I ride my bike when I can.
I haven't been on a bike in years.
Which European country are you curious to know more about?
Do you prefer coffee or tea?
I like them both.
I prefer coffee.
I don't like tea at all.
I don't drink either.


Which dish would you most like to try?
Pasta carbonara
What is your favorite thing to do while traveling?
I like to walk around the city.
I like to take in local food.
I like seeing historical relics.
I like seeing local artwork.
What drink would you order at a bar?
Rum and Coke


Would you be willing to learn another language?
I'm open to it.
I prefer English.
I would try my best.
I am bilingual.
How many stamps do you have in your passport?
11 or more
How many days worth of clothes can you fit in a carry on?
I can fit about three day's worth.
I can fit a week's worth.
I can't fit a weekend in my carry on.
I can stuff a couple weeks worth of clothes in my carry on.


Do you have a lot of experience traveling?
I traveled a lot when I was younger.
I traveled a lot in the military.
I travel every chance I can get.
I haven't traveled much, but I would like to travel more.
What kind of bread do you like most?
White bread
How much of a history buff would you consider yourself?
I love history!
I know more than most people.
I know more about ancient civilizations.
I need to brush up on history.


What was your best class in high school?
Have you ever lived abroad?
I haven't lived abroad, but I would love to try it.
I have lived in another country.
I daydream about living abroad.
I spent a semester abroad in college.
What would you most like to have for breakfast?


Which U.S. state would you most like to visit?
New York
New Mexico
If you moved abroad, what would cost you the most to ship?
My record collection
My collection of beer mugs
My library
My clothes
How would you most like to spend a Saturday afternoon?
I would like to go for a boat ride.
I would like to go day drinking.
I like to go shopping.
I like to take long naps.


Do you easily adapt to new places?
I am fairly adaptable.
I've never moved anywhere.
It takes a while, but I get used to it.
I have a hard time at first, but it passes.
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert when you meet new people?
I'm more of an introvert.
I think I just act normal.
I'm more of an extrovert.
It depends on the people I'm meeting.
Do you prefer to take a cab or use public transportation when you travel?
I prefer to use public transportation.
It depends where I'm traveling.
I prefer to take a cab.
I usually rent a car.


Do you take a lot of naps?
I wouldn't say I take a lot of naps.
I take a nap a few times a week.
I never take naps.
I take a nap nearly every day.
Are you good at reading maps?
I mostly use Siri now.
I used to be good at reading maps.
Maps are confusing to me.
I think I could do it.
Which European city have you wanted to visit in the past?


Where would you rather go on a first date?
Coffee shop
How do you decide which hotel to book?
I go by price.
I go by popularity.
I look at the reviews.
I let my travel agent decide.
What extra item do you pack in your luggage?


What time of day do you wake up?
I wake up around 9.
I get up around 5 a.m.
I get up closer to noon.
I'm a night owl.
Do you get motion sickness when you travel?
I haven't traveled enough to notice.
I get motion sickness during turbulence.
I get sea sick.
It hasn't happened yet.
How cultured would you say you are?
I would like to be more cultured.
I am fairly cultured.
There's always more cultured to have.
I am not sure if I'm cultured.


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