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About This Quiz
You do not have to be a world traveler to have adventurous taste buds. Some people eat all sorts of foods without ever leaving their hometown. Check out which famous food truck should tickle your taste buds next!
What's the best part of an ice cream sundae?
Hot fudge!
The ice cream, duh...
The cherry on top!
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Eggs and bacon.
I dunno, just something I can grab quickly and go.
When it comes to texture...
Give me something soft or gooey.
Give me something crunchy!
Give me a bit of both!
I've never really thought about it.
In candy, what is your preferred chocolate to filling ratio?
1:1 - I want a perfect balance.
1:0 - I only want chocolate!
0:1 - Can I skip the chocolate?
1:2 - Chocolate should be an accent only.
What was your favorite type of sandwich as a kid?
Ham / turkey and cheese.
Grilled cheese.
Tuna salad.
Of the following, which food is the most fun to eat?
Ice cream cones.
Sloppy Joes.
Pad Thai.
Cotton Candy.
How do you like your coffee?
None for me please.
Lots of cream and sugar.
I'll take a cinnamon white soy latte, please.
How do you feel about sharing food?
Of course! Sharing is caring.
Resentful, but I'll do it.
Joey doesn't share food!!!
Just, no.
How big are you on tradition?
Eh, depends what suits me.
I'm somewhat big on it.
I could take it or leave it.
Very big.
How often do you eat burgers and fries?
A few times a week.
A few times a month.
Once a month.
Less than once a month.
How often do you eat take-out or fast food?
Almost every day.
A few times a week.
Occasionally as a treat.
How do you like your salad?
Blended! People always comment on my green drinks, but I love them!
I enjoy a good salad from time to time but I don't go overboard.
I take my dressing with a side of salad.
Salad? Just give me a steak already.
What best describes your grain of choice?
Whole grain bagel with some cream cheese.
Nothing's better than a bowl of hearty pasta!
I keep some granola on my desk for snacking.
I try to stay away from grain.
Do you eat bacon, sausage or processed lunch meats?
I heard they make chocolate and ice cream with bacon now. Do you know where I can find that?
Mostly turkey breast for lunch.
Bacon is a breakfast and lunch staple.
No, they gross me out.
You've just had a lousy day. Do you:
Grab a few low-carb snacks to ease the stress.
Graze on whatever I find in the fridge.
Go for a jog, running always clears your mind.
Find comfort in a tub of ice cream.
What do you think of sushi?
I am not sure what that is.
That's kind of gross.
Those poor fish!
When it comes to most foods, do you appreciate simple or complex flavors?
A bit of both
Complex and spicy.
What type of cook are you?
Take-out specialist.
Home chef.
I am kind of a disaster in the kitchen.
Heat and eat.
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