Which Fierce Animal Are You Really, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

By: Gavin Thagard
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Fierce Animal Are You Really, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
Image: Diana Robinson Photography/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Many people would argue that the world is built on the ferocity of the creatures that inhabit it. These creatures are born to strive, to accomplish, to work until all of their goals are met. However, does that apply to all fierce animals in the world? Perhaps, but that doesn't mean that all fierce animals are the same. 

When you think about fierce animals, you can probably find many traits that they have in common. They are all driven to get what they want. They are all strong-willed and hardworking. They all have strong personalities. 

Of course, that doesn't mean that every fierce animal is built the same. Whether it is a mammal or a reptile, an inhabitant of the safari or the jungle, the fiercest of animals all have unique personalities that best fit their needs and environment. 

Which fierce animal best suits your personality? Are you more of the pack animal who works well with others, or are you a lone wolf making it on your own? Do you have a cold-hearted nature, or are you more of a free spirit?

If you're ready to find out which fierce animal best suits you, take this Myers-Briggs personality test and we'll tell you!

Do you contemplate all of the ways that an event could play out before you take part?
You need to know every detail.
Information can't hurt.
Thinking too much can slow you down.
It's best to just jump in and see what happens.
Are you a creature of habit?
You build great habits.
Habits keep you on track.
Habits can hamper progression.
Never get stuck in a habit.
Is it easy for you to communicate in a social setting?
You're a social butterfly.
Communication comes easy.
Communicating correctly can be hard.
It's difficult to communicate.


Are you more worried about the present than the future?
You live in the present.
You'll worry about it later.
It helps to have foresight.
You should always look ahead.
Are you constantly searching for new opportunities?
You never settle.
Opportunity is the key to progress.
Some opportunities are too good to be true.
You're careful in taking advantage of new opportunities.
Do you prefer to spend your free time alone?
You're always alone.
Alone time is healthy.
You struggle when you're alone.
You're desperate to be around people.


Do you find it difficult to discuss how you feel?
Stoicism is best.
You keep your feelings to yourself.
Your feelings are a good guide.
You wear your emotions on your sleeve.
Are you someone who needs new adventures constantly?
Life is meant to be explored.
You'll see where life takes you.
You go on a new adventure every now and then.
You enjoy the tried and true.
Do you use the typical solution when you are faced with a problem?
Old solutions can be trusted.
Old approaches are helpful.
It helps to look for new ways.
You're an inventor.


Do you prefer to be a wallflower instead of hanging out in the middle of a room?
You'll pin yourself to the wall.
The outskirts are nice.
It's okay to seek attention.
No, get out in the middle of everything.
Are you in control of your desires?
You have full control.
You're controlled when you need to be.
Control is difficult.
You have no control.
Do you feel at ease in a crowd?
You're always in a crowd.
You vibe well with others.
You'd rather not be in a crowd.
Crowds are intimidating.


Do you prefer for things to be in order?
Organization is critical.
It helps to be organized.
Who needs order?
You thrive in chaos.
Do you hate surprises?
Never surprise you.
You panic during a surprise.
Surprises are fun.
No, you love a good surprise.
Do you tend to overanalyze everything?
You are obsessive.
It's best to think it through.
You don't worry too much.
Who needs to think it through?


Do you prefer personal experience over books?
Life is the best teacher.
You would rather do it yourself.
Reading helps you gain knowledge.
Books are the best way to learn.
Would you prefer to stay away from a noise you don't recognize?
Noises are scary.
You'd rather ignore it.
You might need to know what it is.
It's time to go investigate.
Are deadlines important to you?
Deadlines are critical.
Deadlines help you stay on track.
Deadlines should be used as guides.
Who needs a deadline?


Can you easily identify with other peoples' troubles?
You easily connect with other people.
You make a point to hear people out.
You try to understand others.
You have your own problems.
Do you prefer new inventions over old ways of doing something?
You live on the edge of progress.
You like to try new things.
You prefer to rely on what you know.
You never trust something new.
Are you the center of attention when you're around your friends?
You demand attention.
People listen to you.
You express your opinion when necessary.
You prefer to stay in the background.


Would you rather watch a movie than go to the club?
Movies are the way to go.
A good movie is nice.
You'd rather get out.
Who needs a movie when you can dance?
Do you prefer to have a detailed plan before starting something?
You always plan everything you do.
A plan helps you operate.
A plan can serve as a guide.
A plan only holds you back.
Do you feel better after talking to people about a problem?
You always express your position.
It feels good to get something off your chest.
You have trouble expressing how you feel.
You never talk about how you feel.


Do you try to socialize with your coworkers as soon as you start a new job?
You'll talk to anyone.
It's good to build working relationships.
You don't force conversation.
You keep to yourself.
Is justice more important to you than mercy?
Justice is the only fair outcome.
Justice should always be considered first.
Mercy should be on the table.
People need to be shown mercy.
Are you one to rush through a job?
You're done as quick as you can be.
You like to get things done quickly.
You want to make sure a job is done right.
Finished work is all about the small details.


Do you hate to waste time?
Time is of the utmost value.
Time should not be wasted.
You use as much of your time as you can.
Time is just a word.
Are your actions influenced by your emotions?
You have strong emotions.
You use your emotions as a guide.
Emotions shouldn't control you.
Emotions are a weakness.
Do you prefer to improvise rather than to plan something?
Plans only hold you back.
It's nice to keep your options open.
Improvisers waste time and money.
A plan is the only way to succeed.


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