Which Historic Ruler Are You?

By: Raj Chander
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which Historic Ruler Are You?
Image: Merydolla/iStock / Getty Images Plus

About This Quiz

Humans have been looking up to great leaders for thousands of years. The way we view many of history's greatest empires and civilizations is based on how we look at their leaders. In Central America, authority figures in Aztec and Mayan civilizations were considered to be either sent from the gods or actual gods who wanted to lead people to prosperity.

In later years, historical rulers continued developing the concept of divine right. King James VI and I, who ruled as king of Scotland, Ireland and England during his lifetime, is credited for formalizing the idea and using it to ensure royal subjects would stay in line.

But not every ruler from history has been so focused on simply maintaining power. Even some of the last monarchs in history, who reigned at a time when the concept of a king or emperor was quickly going out of style, were able to make positive contributions. Consider the rule of Victoria, whose 63 years as Queen of England represented a longer reign than any of her predecessors. It was also a time when England flourished, and historians ended up naming the era in her honor (the Victorian Age).

Are you more of a wise philosopher or a bloodthirsty conqueror? Talk to us about your style as a leader, and we'll tell you which of history's famous rulers you've got the most in common with. 

Which of these countries is most beautiful to you?
Which would be your priority as a ruler - a strong army or an educated population?
I'm focused on conquering, so the military.
An educated, creative artist class
A strong army
I'd try to cultivate both.
How frequently would you launch campaigns to conquer other kingdoms?
Never - I'd focus only on my territory.
Only when provoked
I'd invade a lot of places, but only after making a plan.
It's the main thing I would do as a ruler.


Is it important for you to have a strong fleet of ships?
Yes, naval power is critical.
I'd be focused on strengthening all military branches equally.
It'd be nice, but I'd build up my land military first.
Not really
Rulers are known for elaborate outfits. Which of these royal garbs would you most want to wear?
Animal fur
A plain tunic
Most rulers have a close circle that helps them make decisions. How many people would you want advising you?
A council of five or more
Only a couple of people who are extremely close to me
Only one
Three to five of my most skilled generals


Which of these methods would you most like to use to get around?
A litter carried by my servants
A fearsome steed
An elegant chariot
A normal horse and buggy
Many rulers got famous for well-known building projects. Which of these would you most want to construct as a ruler?
A powerful fort
A gorgeous palace
An elaborate suspension bridge
A massive museum
What would be your policy on taxes in your kingdom/empire?
People should pay as little as possible to support the empire.
I will be such a good ruler that people will want to pay taxes.
People will pay taxes or face the consequences.
People will pay generous taxes so society can prosper.


What kind of music would you want to be played in your kingdom?
Enjoyable, popular music that everyone liked
Battle marches
Artistic, creative classical music
Intense, energetic songs to motivate my soldiers
Many famous rulers have family members attempting to influence them. How much would you let your family sway your decisions?
I would listen to them but ultimately do my own thing.
My family would be a key part of my decision making.
Not much at all
I would heed the advice of my wisest family members.
As the old saying goes, "It's good to be king." Which of the perks of being a ruler would you enjoy most?
Being able to conquer other, weaker kingdoms
Directing the military
Being around the best artists in the country
Getting spoiled by servants


Kings and queens of history have had some interesting passions. As a ruler, what would be your hobby?
Collecting great works of art
Writing poetry
Most people in power have to deal with disagreements from time to time. How would you handle being questioned as a ruler?
Having the dissenter executed
Throwing my opponents in jail until they relented
Hosting a philosophical debate to settle the issue in public
Secretly dispatching servants to deal with it
When it came time for war, would you be on the battlefield with your army or leading from afar?
I'm not big into fighting battles.
I would lead from afar.
I'd be fighting the enemy right next to them.
I would be there but mostly to direct, not fight.


What type of crown would you wear to ensure people knew you were their ruler?
Animal pelt
Leather with jewels
Gold and silver
Elaborate silk
Most monarchs kept some form of diary or journal. What would you write in yours?
Strategies for battle
Expressions of feelings
Records of my conquests
Academic learnings
On the eve of an important battle, how would you motivate your troops?
Explaining how they are fighting for freedom
Making them hate the enemy
Telling them their families are counting on them
Appealing to their patriotism


Many rulers have elaborate places from which to bestow orders. What kind of throne would you want?
Tough and reliable
Ornate and fashionable
Intimidating and fierce
Gorgeous and artistic
Historic rulers often become known for their choice of mate. How would you choose a spouse?
Picking the most intelligent and creative one
Choosing whichever one could bear me children
Picking the one who is most charming and attractive
Selecting the one best able to manage domestic issues
How would you select a capital city for your kingdom?
I'd pick the place most convenient for me.
I'd choose the area where our largest fort was.
I'd select the place with the most art and education.
I'd choose the best area to launch conquests.


Some rulers want children, others want to keep the throne all for themselves. What's your attitude on having kids to succeed you?
It's important to have a son who can be a fierce warrior.
I'd like to have kids, but it doesn't matter if they take over my throne.
It's not as important to me as conquering.
Yes, I definitely want to have children.
Which achievement as a ruler is most impressive to you?
Providing patronage for the creation of once-in-a-lifetime art
Training the most skilled and deadly army
Conquering the largest amount of land
Achieving the most prosperous and successful civilization
Rulers in history sometimes punished serious criminals with death. What would be grounds for execution under your reign?
I wouldn't believe in execution.
Deceiving the government on a serious matter
Failing to fight when called on


Queen Victoria of England survived eight different assassination attempts. How worried about assassination would you be as a ruler?
If they want to come for me, I'm not hiding.
Somewhat worried, but I'm confident in my abilities to fend off any attack.
Not that worried, as I'd be a benevolent ruler.
I would definitely have lots of bodyguards in place.
Some rulers are in power for weeks, others for decades. How long would you want to be on the throne?
At least a few decades
A couple of years at least, anything after that I could take or leave.
As long as it took to conquer the world
Five years or less
Kings and queens make for great biographical subjects. How would you want to be portrayed in a movie about your life?
A wise, generous ruler
A fierce, courageous warrior
A beautiful and intelligent leader
A skilled military genius


"The crown jewels" is a common term for prized royal possessions, even if they aren't actual jewels. Which royal possession would be your most important?
My maps and war plans
My royal garments
My weapons
My journals and plans
Would you support any religious authority in your country?
Yes, if the people wanted it.
Yes, but only if they likewise supported my authority.
No, I would want absolute power.
I would neither support nor discourage religion - my society would be a free one.
Every ruler needs great advice from time to time. Who would be your closest advisors?
The greatest warriors in the kingdom
The best artists in the land
The best tacticians I could find
The smartest scholars I knew


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