Which "House of Cards" Character are You?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which "House of Cards" Character are You?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

Instances of morality and compassion are hard to come by in "House of Cards," the Netflix original series full of corrupt power-hungry characters. Which character are you? Take this quiz to find out!
How do you feel about soliloquies?
I don't have an opinion on soliloquies.
They're annoying and redundant.
They have their uses. I, for one, am a fan.
I don't care one way or the other.
What motivates you?
Who is your favorite character?
Frank Underwood.
Claire Underwood.
Heather Dunbar.
Douglas Stamper.


What is the most disturbing scene in "House of Cards?"
Zoe Barnes's murder.
When Frank turns on Freddy.
Nothing disturbs me.
When Doug forces a wad of cash into Rachel's mouth in a disturbingly perverted way.
If you were part of the political scene, what role would you play?
A leader of a successful, powerful nonprofit.
A powerful elected official.
An underappreciated political advisor.
An ambitious member of the media.
Whose death was most shocking?
James Miller's.


Which quote is your favorite?
"We make the terror."
"You don't want to make an enemy out of me."
"Remove hope from the equation."
"We're in a very gray area. Ethically, legally. Which I'm okay with..."
What is your favorite season of "House of Cards?"
Season 3.
Season 4.
Season 2.
Season 1.
What's more important?
Order and control.
The truth.


Do you ever feel homesick?
For some odd reason, I occasionally miss the place where I grew up.
No, never.
It's been a long time since I've been "home." I don't think about it much.
Not usually, and I can always go home when I want to.
Are you religious?
Only for the sake of social and political implications.
I don't actively practice my religion.
Kind of, but not really.
No, I have no interest in institutional religion.
How's your relationship with your parents?
We no longer have a relationship.
I'm happy to be rid of them.
It's alright.
They weren't the greatest parents.


Do you hold grudges?
I hold grudges until I destroy the person who wronged me. Then I pee on their graves.
Grudges are petty, but I never forget when someone crosses me.
No, but I help others seek revenge for the grudges they hold.
No, I prefer to be the bigger person.
Who's your favorite supporting character?
Heather Dunbar.
Jackie Sharp.
Remy Danton.
Lucas Goodwin.
Who was a better Chief of Staff?
Remy Danton.
Linda Vasquez.
Douglas Stamper.
None of them were any good.


Which character holds the most power?
Frank Underwood.
Claire Underwood.
Heather Dunbar.
Tom Hammerschmidt.
What's your best asset?
Your intelligence.
Your looks.
Your position.
Your youthful ambition.
How do you feel about monogamy?
It's overrated.
It holds women back.
I expect my partner to be with me, exclusively.
I practice monogamy.


What is one word you'd use to describe yourself?
What do you do when someone publicly undermines you?
Respond with a polite smile, knowing you'll get your revenge soon enough.
I call them out and eventually destroy them, publicly.
I'm known for my unpredictable reactions.
I try to make them look bad by remaining calm while publicly criticizing them.
Do you aspire to run for political office?
No, there are plenty of other ways to wield power.
I wish, but I don't have the background for that.
Yes, but there are many obstacles in the way.
Yes, and I intend to win.


Do you have secrets?
Yes, it's a pain to keep track of them all.
I am a keeper of many secrets, not all of them my own.
Everyone has secrets.
Only a few. I believe transparency is important in most situations.
Do the ends justify the means?
That depends on the ends.
Yes, so long as the ends are worth it.
I do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Sometimes, but the end goal is not always most important.
Is all fair in love and war?
No, there's a certain way things must be done.
I show no mercy.
That depends on the war.
No, some things are always wrong, no matter the circumstances.


What's the greatest threat to national security?
Big Oil.
Cyber warfare.
Do you accept help?
Only from the people I respect.
It's not help when you demand it, rather than ask for it.
No, not even from a family member.
We all depend on each other to survive.
How do you take the edge off?
With a cigarette and exercise.
With a cigarette and a glass of whiskey.
With meds.
With healthy coping mechanisms.


After a long day, what do you do when you get home?
Do some follow up research.
Tie up loose ends.
Play video games to unwind.
Relax while thinking about your plans for the upcoming days.
Do you believe in compromise?
No, because I'm usually right.
Ultimately, I'll get my way. I might lose the battle, but I'll win the war.
It depends on the circumstances.
Sure, making compromises is fair.
Would you ever capitalize on someone's misfortune for your own personal gain?
Yes, shamelessly.
What's in my best interest is also in the public's best interests.
If I had a good enough reason to, sure.
Not for personal gain, no.


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