Which Johnny Cash Song Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Johnny Cash Song Are You?
Image: Sun

About This Quiz

Also known as The Man in Black, Johnny Cash is a musical legend! His sultry baritone helped to shape legions of musicians and artists to come. His soulful style of songwriting took the country music world by storm, and we know he wrote a song that could sum you up perfectly! You don't have to be a music aficionado to take this quiz, but you do need to answer from your heart. Johnny Cash sang from the heart, so it's only right that you should answer the same way. 

Whether you struggle with love like his famous "Ring of Fire," or you have the blues like you are in prison, we're confident that we can match the inner workings of your personality with one of his legendary songs. As you go through the quiz, you'll fill us in on your deepest desires and your quirks. From there, it will be a breeze to see which Johnny Cash song you would be - if you were a song, of course. 

Walk over to the turntable and throw on one of his records. The soundtrack to your questions will ensure you get into the right head space to choose the best answers for you! Are you ready to "Walk the Line"? 

How often do you wear black?
Some of the time.
Almost every day.
I wear blue.
Every day.
What type of book would you read?
A tale of revenge.
A story about overcoming addiction.
A crime novel.
A self help book.
How much do you like to rock out?
Not that much, I am more into country.
I totally like to rock out.
It depends on my mood.
I am usually pretty mellow.


Which of these Johnny Cash lyrics do you like the most?
"Well my daddy left home when I was three."
"The taste of love is sweet, when hearts like ours meet."
"I hear the train a comin', it's rolling round the bend."
"I keep a close watch on this heart of mine."
What is one word that your friends would use to describe you?
How is your relationship with your parents?
Not that great.
Pretty good.
Not bad, but I haven't seen them in a long time.
Really good.


How do you handle authority?
I tend to challenge it.
I'm okay with it.
Not well at all.
I appreciate people in positions of authority.
What would be a good job for you?
A private investigator.
A marriage counselor.
A bank robber.
A police officer.
What bugs you the most?
When people make fun of me.
People who let me down.
Getting caught doing something wrong.
People who aren't loyal.


Do you like your name?
I hate it.
Sure, it's pretty cool.
It is okay.
I love it.
Who were you in school?
I was a nerd.
I was the Class Clown.
I was a troublemaker.
I was the valedictorian.
What band would you like to cover your song?
Brooks & Dunn.
The Eagles.


Are you more logical or instinctual?
More instinctual.
More logical.
Totally instinctual.
Totally logical.
Have you ever been in trouble with the law?
Maybe a little.
No, but I could have.
I have to admit that I have.
No, I am a straight shooter
If your loved one is having trouble, what would you do?
Leave, I have to put me first.
I stay with them, but it isn't easy.
I would try to help them.
I would help them, no matter what it took.


How do you handle it if someone does something hurtful to you?
I would confront them angrily.
I would ignore it.
I would do something to get them back.
I would ask them if they wanted to talk about it.
What would you do to work out?
I'd take a martial arts class.
Lift weights.
Do you like entertaining at home?
No, I hate it.
I don't mind it.
I am not allowed to have people over.
I love it.


What do you do at a party?
I tend to get a bit rowdy.
Just have a good time.
Not much, parties make me nervous.
Try and make sure other people are having a good time.
Are you ever the designated driver?
Hardly ever.
Yes, all the time.
What kind of music do you like best?


Are you more likely to keep a fight going, or try and stop it?
I might keep it going for a little while.
I would try and stop it.
I would keep it going, I love to fight!
I never fight, so this question doesn't apply.
What is the coolest thing about Johnny Cash?
How quirky he was.
How cool he was.
How real he was.
How intense he was.
Would you be in a game of cops and robbers?
One of the robbers.
A bystander.
The leader of the bad guys.
A cop.


What movie would you watch?
"Oliver Twist."
"Requiem For a Dream."
"Cool Hand Luke."
"Good Will Hunting."
What nickname would you give your son?
Would you go looking for someone that did you wrong?
Oh yeah, I would look forever until I found them.
I doubt it.
Maybe, but I wouldn't obsess over it.
No way.


Do you expect people to forgive you when you do wrong?
No, I can handle myself.
It would be nice.
Yeah, but it rarely happens.
Of course.
What would you do if you saw a wallet on the ground?
Check to see if there is identification, and if not, keep it.
Ignore it, you have places to be.
Keep it! Free money!
Turn it into the police station.
You are married, but there is a mutual attraction between you and another. What do you do?
It depends on whether I would get caught.
I would try not to cheat, but it would be hard.
I would totally cheat.
Nothing, I would never cheat on my spouse.


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