Which Killer Beast Reflects Your Dark Side?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which Killer Beast Reflects Your Dark Side?
Image: annick vanderschelden photography / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Your id - your dark side - is a complex aspect of your personality that you are likely unaware of. Your motives may seem clear to you, but on a subconscious level your decisions are made by components of your mind that you are ignorant of, by definition if not by design.

If the human mind could comprehend itself, it would most likely turn inward. Humans seek perfection, and a mind that knows how imperfect it is would not be able to move on. You would get stuck, totally focused on the personality aspects you find abhorrent.

This is where poetry comes in. Humans have sought symbols for the hidden parts of the mind and found them in myth. Creatures of the deep often symbolize fears of the subconscious, as do creatures of the darkness, the jungle and sometimes the sky.

This all begs the question: How can anyone know their dark side? We have devised a test that will tease out which killer beast symbolizes your dark side. We can reverse engineer what lurks beneath the surface by asking you questions that can be answered with your conscious mind. From these answers, we will determine what killer beast reflects your dark side! Ready to give it a shot?

How well can you predict what you will do when your rage explodes?
It's fairly unpredictable.
I know exactly the circumstances that will bring it to the fore.
When the going gets tough, I get crazy.
When I'm denied what's mine, I go nuts.
What special occasion is most likely to see your dark side emerge?
I have no idea.
Kids' parties
How readily would you steal something you needed?
I probably would not.
I might if I really needed it.
I'd do it if I needed it to live.
I'd do it if it were a day ending in Y.


How long is your fuse?
It's a mystery, like drawing straws.
It's about average.
It's average most of the time, but short under the right circumstances.
It's very long.
If another person triggered your dark side, how many ways would you consider before indulging your id?
A thousand
Just one: instant retaliation
I wouldn't consider any. I'd act on instinct.
Two or three
How quickly is your dark side triggered when you're doing something you love?
It takes a moment.
I'm immediately triggered.
It generally is not.
If it is, it doesn't take long.


How driven to succeed are you?
About average
I'm not ambitious.
Above all else
It's more about the social capital than anything else.
When your fuse finally burns down, how cruel will you be?
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
I'll be impassioned, but not cruel.
I don't know. I hope I won't be cruel!
I'll be so callous.
When someone stokes a passionate argument with you, what are you likely to do?
Breathe fire, metaphorically speaking.
Leave them alone unless they get in my business.
Leave it alone unless I see them as a threat to me.
I'll stomp on them, then spit on them, then laugh at them.


How do you react when someone unexpectedly changes an evening's plans on you?
That will sometimes set me off, but not always.
I get visibly upset.
I don't mind.
If they do it to mess with me, I'll lay into them.
How emotional do you get when your dark side is triggered?
I get really emotional.
I just get mad, but not emotional. It's not complex.
I turn off my humanity completely.
I get cruel, but not emotional.
How likely are you to draw in others when your dark side emerges?
It's random.
It's very unlikely.
If my crew is under threat, then we'll all join in the rage.
Very. I'll get all my friends on board.


When your dark side is triggered but the other party walks away in peace, what are you likely to do?
Plan something terrible for them, for when they least expect it.
Leave them alone this time but double the rage next time.
I'll be normal.
I'll look to stab them in the back soon.
What would it take to get you to explode at your own parents?
A lot
If my mother tries taking a bite of my food again without asking, or at all!
If they threatened to cut me off
I don't think I could.
How willing are you to be vicious when you are truly enraged?
I will if it comes to that.
I will if I must.
I'll commit to that totally.
That's the most delicious part!


How likely is it that your dark side would be triggered if you saw a rival with something you wanted?
That will sometimes set me off, but not always.
I will climb over broken glass to hurt them.
I will probably leave them alone, unless it's more than a want.
I will plan their destruction and plot to take the precious.
If a colleague stepped on your toes at work, what would you do?
I would wait a year and then sabotage them.
I would bark at them.
I would go over their head to the boss.
I would turn their department against them.
How much do you value your alone time?
About average, I'd say.
It's the most important thing to me.
It's important, but it's not the most important thing.
I don't like being alone.


How do you pick the object of your ire when your id takes over?
It's what triggered me.
It's what stands between me and what belongs to me.
I focus on whoever or whatever is in my way.
It's whatever threatens me socially.
If you did something destructive to someone else, would you gloat?
Possibly, in private
Maybe, if I calmed down
Definitely. To their face!
If a family member was cruel to you at a holiday dinner, how would you respond?
I would anonymously reveal all their darkest secrets at work.
I would just eat all the dessert.
I would slink away and break something belonging to them.
I would start a screaming argument and not back down.


How protective are you of your worldly possessions?
About average
I'll cut you!
I need my stuff to survive!
It's my flash, my bling. Don't you touch it!
What are you willing to do to yourself to survive adversity?
I won't know until I'm faced with that.
I'll walk into the wilderness alone if I have to.
Anything. I'd cut off my own leg.
I'll fight dirty.
When your dark side emerges, how likely are you to get cold and cruel, rather than hot and passionate?
Fairly likely
It's very unlikely.
That's what happens.
I get hot, man! Really hot!


If a close friend enacted a terrible betrayal, how would you handle it?
I would cut them off completely, and then plot the sabotage of their livelihood for a decade later.
I'd lash out in the moment and we'd never speak again.
I'd just cut them off.
I'd get all our common acquaintances to turn on them.
What activity brings you the most joy?
Expressing myself
Getting paid
Getting accolades
Do you care if you indirectly hurt other people, if you get yours in the end?
I don't mind at all.
I mind. I'm only interested in keeping the main thing the main thing.
No. Why should I?
Not if I don't like them.


Do you get off on sadism when you really hate someone or something?
I wouldn't say I get off on it, but I enjoy it.
No, I just enjoy the moment.
I feel nothing.
I relish it.
When you are angry at yourself, how do you handle it?
I rage in private, smashing anything that is fragile and replaceable.
I try to spend time with others.
I try to spend time alone.
I take it out on my work.
How often does your dark side emerge?
Every weekend like clockwork
A couple times a week, usually in the evening
Any time the economy is tough
Mostly at work


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