Image: Shutterstock
How would your parents describe you as a child?
Always helping
Always breaking up a fight
Good at sports
Always reading alone
Do you like parties?
I like parties -- but only if I'm the center of attention.
I love them!
I like them.
I hate them -- I'm too shy.
Do you dress to get attention?
I never want attention.
Yes, I always want attention.
I sometimes want attention.
Are you good with your hands?
No, I'm very clumsy.
Only at sports
Only when dealing with technology
I'm great with my hands!
How do you feel about bullying?
It's evil and it must be stopped!
It's bad, but it can be ignored.
It's not a huge problem.
I've dealt with it a lot and I hate it.
What are your feelings on war?
It's terrible, but it can't be avoided.
It's terrible and it can be avoided with the right leader.
It's great -- as long it's done for freedom.
It's an unfortunate reality of life.
How are you at giving speeches?
I tend to be a bit robotic.
I'm great at it!
I tend to say the wrong things.
I hate public speaking.
How do you feel about voting?
It's the only way to keep the rich from controlling everything.
It's the only way to keep taxes down.
It makes me feel more American!
I don't believe in it.
What do you think of Wall Street?
Burn it down!
Let it prosper!
I suppose it's necessary, but I hate it.
It's the cornerstone of our economy.
What should be done to tax cheats?
Let's be lenient.
Let's hang them!
Tax cheats are patriotic!
Tax cheats are destroying the economy!
Would you marry for money?
Never! Even if I was broke!
Only if I was broke
Only if the other option was death
Crime is...
A huge factor in people's lives
A reason to carry a gun.
A reason to not carry a gun.
Not a huge factor in people's lives
What does money mean to you?
A way to support my family
A way to impress my friends
What do you think of women and their careers?
Women should have careers!
Women should not have careers!
No problem, as long as family comes first.
Career comes first.
How do you handle criticism and opposing ideas?
I'm going to do it my way no matter what anyone says.
Listen closely and consider before making a decision.
I find people's lack of faith...disturbing.
I don't say much, but if I hear relevant information I'll use it.
When it's time to get a job done you...
Never give up and always achieve what needs to get done.
Suppress a minor panic attack and then attack it logically.
Crack down and get to work.
I find that fear and intimidation can be excellent motivators.
What's your main source of exercise?
Grumbling and complaining.
Rolling around.
Working out moral issues.
Ordering others around.
How do you feel about other people?
I don't mind them.
I like talking with them.
I should help them when I can.
I want to get rid of them all.
It looks like your friend might get in a fight, you...
Stay out of it.
Start talking thing outs.
Rush to their defense.
Ditch them, they started it.
When presented with new things are you more open-minded or more skeptical?
Very open-minded.
Somewhat open-minded.
Somewhat skeptical.
Very skeptical.
Which of the following would you most like to learn?
Combat Tactics.
International Diplomacy.
A new language.
Practical mechanics.
If something bad happens to someone close to you, how do you react?
I drop everything and find how I can help.
I do what I can for my friend while keeping things in my own life together.
At least it didn't happen to me.
Find out who's responsible and make them pay!
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