Which Non-Disney Princess Are You?

By: Artimis Charvet
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Non-Disney Princess Are You?
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

In the last twenty years since a variety of movies were brought together under the umbrella of Disney princesses, the world's best-known group of princesses have become a cultural touchstone. Millions of little girls dress up as them and imagine what it would be like to be them. They sell lunchboxes, duvet covers, toys, books and, of course, movies. While they are a racially diverse group, they all look very similar, with minuscule waists, very long hair and similarly-shaped faces - and though they have gotten feistier in recent years, not until the last couple of movies did they consistently have agency in their own plots.

This is why Disney is not the first or last word when it comes to princesses - which makes sense, since of course Disney is an American company and America has never had a princess. There are plenty of other princesses out there, slaying their own dragons, inheriting their own kingdoms, and making hard choices about their destinies and those of their people. Some of them wield magic, while others have only their wits or real weapons to keep them and their loved ones safe. Let's find out which of these heroic princesses who aren't from the House of Mouse you are most like!

Would you rather be saved, or save yourself?
Be saved.
You don't need someone to save you!
Well you are pretty sure you can handle it.
Why don't you stand by just in case?
Do you have a tragic backstory?
Yeah, don't ask.
Nope, life has been great so far.
Sort of.
Depends what your definition of tragic is, but nothing you couldn't handle.
Are you looking for love?
You are too young for that.
Well no, but if you find it you wouldn't mind.


How quickly do you make decision?
Impulsively fast.
You take your time.
You don't make decisions anymore.
You can make a quick decision, you just let others think it was their decision.
How well do you implement your decisions?
You don't make decisions anymore.
Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don't. The important thing is you made a decision.
You are very good at implementation.
Honestly. Not very well.
When confronted with an obstacle what do you do?
You'll measure your options, then make a quick decision on the best route to take.
You're usually the obstacle.
You face it on full charge!
You aren't the type of person who comes across obstacles.


Who do you love most?
Your one true love and you'll do anything for them.
Your parents.
Someone you lost.
What kind of personality would your horse have?
Brave and honorable.
He bites.
Unpredictable but brave.
What kind of house did you grow up in?
A country estate.
A quaint cottage.
A carny train.


What kind of home will you retire in?
A cabin on a lake.
A mansion.
A jail cell.
A nice home in the suburbs.
What plant best describes you?
Rose bush.
Poison Ivy.
Thorn bush.
In a fight, how well do you do?
You slap and struggle.
You bull rush the other person.
You're quick with my fists.
You only throw thought-out punches and are more defensive.


What's your best attribute?
Ability to get things done.
Charm and grace.
Quick wit and honor.
Is it okay to lie?
You tell white lies to protect those you love.
Only to the masses, to protect your true identity.
Yes, it's part of the job.
Never! you are too honest.
How many loves have you had in your life?
One true love.
Only one, but you've had practice.
Many along the way, but none that last.


What are your friends like?
Great listeners.
Always loyal.
What friends?
Are you a people person?
Depends on the people.
If you had one wish, what would it be?
You wish you were braver.
You wish you could live forever.
You wish you were rich.
You wish to discover the secret to life.


How do you tend to make most of your decisions?
With your head.
With your heart.
With your nose.
With your wallet.
Someone is trying to turn you into a goblin, what do you do?
Who cares, how bad can it be?
Let them.
Let them and then rule them.
Shout at them and challenge them to a duel.
Do you like jewels?
You love them.
They're alright, you have a few.
Not really.
So long as they match your outfit.


What is your view on life?
Everything is coming up roses!
Life is what you make it.
It's unfair.
It's tough but you keep moving on.
You're out in the middle of the desert and see a tortoise lying helplessly on its back. What do you do?
Help it up and nurse it back to health.
Try to find some help.
Ignore it and keep moving.
End its misery.
You're alone with one other person and have to exit a room. What do you do?
Convince the other person to go first.
Exit first no questions.
Hold off exiting until you've thoroughly talked things through.


How much do you like to talk?
Only when necessary.
As little as possible.
As much as possible.
Not at all.
Someone in your group is acting strangely. What do you do?
Call them out on it.
Kill them.
Do nothing, but keep an eye on them.
Ignore it completely, it's probably nothing.
Of the following, which is most important to you?
Honor. You shall fight anyone to defend it.
The freedom to be yourself.
Having power over everything.
Making new friends wherever you go.


How do you feel about fashion?
It's one of your biggest hobbies.
It's part of living in society.
You're not materialistic.
It's nice to look good.
How do you feel about marriage?
You can be a happy person either way.
You hope you get married soon.
It's ridiculous that women feel they can't live without being married.
Everyone wants to marry you.
Do you often hold a grudge?
Depends on the situation.


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