Which "Outlander" Man Is Your Soulmate?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which "Outlander" Man Is Your Soulmate?
Image: Tall Ship Productions

About This Quiz

Let's be honest: almost every man described in the "Outlander" novel series is attractive, as are virtually all of the actors we see on the "Outlander" television adaptation. They're rugged, they're Scottish or English, and they have accents. What's not to like? But this quiz isn't about which "Outlander" man can get it; it's about which one is right for you! 

We're going to analyze your temperament, tastes and personality in order to determine which "Outlander" laird, lord, soldier or civilian is your ideal match! Along the way, you'll have to consider how well you'd handle time travel, whether or not you could survive in a time without indoor plumbing and what you really think about the Jacobite cause (just kidding on that last one!) We'll also delve into your romantic history, ability to ride horses and tolerance for corsets. After all, the world of "Outlander" is aesthetically pleasing, but are all those layers of clothes actually comfortable?

"Outlander" author Diana Gabaldon has created an incredible world, one that is beloved by millions of readers and viewers. Are you ready to dip a toe into the rich "Outlander" universe? Stop reading "Dragonfly in Amber" for the third time and come play this quiz!


Which of these qualities do you find essential in a man?
Leadership potential
Do you prefer men of noble lineage?
That's not important, but it's nice.
No, who cares?
Eh, I like a guy to have at least a little noble blood.
Aristocrats only, please.
Would you rather be with a lover, a fighter or an academic?
A lover
An academic
A fighter
A sneak


Could you survive without indoor plumbing?
Sure. Who needs a real toilet when you have true love?
No. I could never live without hot showers.
I wouldn't like it, but I'd make do.
I could handle it for months at a time, but I'd need to return to the future periodically for spa days.
How do you look in a corset?
I look OK, but I don't feel OK.
It's not that flattering.
I was born to wear one.
Which of these hair colors do you find most attractive on men?
Red or auburn
I don't need hair so long as a guy is serving face.


Would you say that you're a snob?
No. I'm a very fair and democratic person.
I'm a tiny bit of a snob.
I couldn't be a snob if I tried.
I'm more pretentious than a truck full of NPR tote bags.
Imagine you've traveled back in time. Like Claire, would you run around acting suspiciously modern, or would you handle things differently?
The way Claire does stuff makes perfect sense to me!
Well ... yeah, Claire lacks discretion.
I understand Claire's decisions, but they're dangerous.
I'd be sure to blend in perfectly.
Does wool make your skin itch?
Nope, not even when it's wet!
Yes, if I'm not wearing anything under it.
I consider wool to be the finest fabric in the world.
Give me silk or get the heck out.


How many boyfriends and/or husbands have you had?
Just one important partner
No significant relationships
Many, but did I love them?
None of your business
Which female "Outlander" character do you identify with the most?
What's the cutest accent? American, Scottish, English or French?


Thinking about the men you've dated, which quality do they all share in common?
Great hair
Knowing how to deal with emergencies
Can you cook anything from scratch?
Erm, coffee?
Bread and rice
I can cook anything from scratch!
That's what servants are for.
Are you a big fan of history?
No. The past is the past.
Yes. I'm fascinated by what might have been.
Nah. I make my own history.
It's my obsession.


How easily bored are you?
I'm a single-minded adrenaline junkie.
I'm almost never bored.
I'm almost always bored!
I don't crave excitement, but it sharpens my wits.
Who's your favorite "Outlander" couple to ship?
Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser
Claire Randall and Frank Randall
Dougal MacKenzie and Geillis Duncan
Comte St. Germain and Melisande Robicheaux
Would you rather date a hot and powerful man or a hot and innocent man?
Hot and innocent
How about handsome and normal?
Hot and powerful
If he's powerful, he doesn't even need to be hot!


Do you feel that the majority of Jamie and Claire's fights are, um, necessary?
Yes. It's all part of their passion, OK?
No, most of their fights are immature.
Well, they sure waste a lot of time fighting, don't they?
Their fights are so stupid that it's unbearable.
Who's the most appealing: a hero, a villain or an anti-hero?
A hero
A regular person
An anti-hero
A villain
What's your favorite book in the "Outlander" series?
"Drums of Autumn" (#4)
"Voyager" (#3)
"Outlander" (#1)
"Dragonfly in Amber" (#2)


Do you think Brianna is cool?
Yeah, she's really spunky!
Sure, she's a nice girl.
She's boring as heck.
She has an annoying personality.
Can you ride a horse, or are you secretly afraid of them?
Of course I can ride a horse!
I'm terrified of horses. Give me a pony.
I was born riding a horse.
I'd prefer to be hauled around in a carriage.
Facial hair or nah?
Absolutely not
Heck, yes!
Maybe a mustache?


If you were Claire, would you be able to handle doing all those wild medical procedures?
Yes. It would be gross but necessary.
No. I might be able to tell someone else what to do, though.
No. I'm just not a very good scientist.
Yes, but I'd charge people lots of money for it.
What's your best quality?
I'm up for anything!
I'm very observant.
I'm tough as nails.
I have fantastic taste.
Do you actually understand what the Jacobite cause is? We're asking for a friend.
Yes, and I'm determined to thwart their uprising, for ... reasons.
Sure I understand it. But it's too, er, hard to summarize.
The first rule of the Jacobite club is, don't talk about the Jacobite club.
(Yawn) I don't know and I don't care.


What's your favorite plaid garment?
I love my long plaid skirt.
I've got a cute plaid scarf.
Girl, everything I own is plaid.
Ugh, plaid is so over.
In your opinion, what's the most annoying thing about the "Outlander" series?
There's too much sexual violence.
It doesn't spend enough time in the present.
I don't really care about the sections set in the United States.
It needs more time traveling!
If you could travel through the stones, would you?
Yes. I would want to see what happened.
No. It's just too dangerous.
No. I'm more interested in what's happening in my own time.
Yes. I was born to be a time traveler.


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