Which Patrick Swayze Character Is Your Soulmate?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Patrick Swayze Character Is Your Soulmate?
Image: The Movie DB

About This Quiz

Patrick Swayze had the unique ability to be both the rugged hottie as well as the sensitive guy underneath. No matter which role he was playing, you likely had a crush on one of his characters. The question is, which of them is your soulmate? Take this quiz to find out!
What is the most important personality trait of your soulmate?
What should your fella drive?
A surf board.
A sedan.
A sports car.
Where would you like to meet your soulmate?
On vacation.
At the beach.
Friends will introduce us.


What is the most daring thing you are willing to do?
Dance in public.
Jump out of an airplane.
Raise kids.
Which is your favorite Patrick Swayze movie?
"Dirty Dancing."
"Point Break."
"The Outsiders."
What's served for breakfast?
Fish and beans.
Eggs, scrambled, bacon, and toast.
Whatever can is left in the fridge.


Do you feel as if you are understood?
Not at all.
People know exactly what they get with me.
Probably, but I've never questioned that.
Sometimes, but I'm also misunderstood.
Do you have kids?
I'd like to someday.
I take care of some nieces and nephews.
A guy is hitting on you in a bar, what should your boyfriend do?
Politely ask the guy to back off before punching him.
Laugh and buy the guy a beer.
He should do nothing.
Punch the guy and toss a couple bucks on his body to buy him a beer.


An ex walks into the bar you and your new fella are at. How should your soulmate respond?
He would plant one hell of a kiss on me.
He should approach my ex and let him know who the new boss is.
Ignore the other guy.
He'd watch from a distance, but be ready to pounce if something goes down.
How do you like to kiss?
Firm, but gentle.
With a lot of passion.
I don't kiss.
What is your go-to activity on Saturday night?
Just chillin' with my friends.
Watching TV.
Making dinner and going to bed early.


What is a cool career choice?
Working at a swank resort.
Spending the day giving surf lessons.
A high-paying job in banking.
Working on cars.
How did you spend summers as a kid?
At a summer camp.
Playing with friends.
At my summer job.
Getting into trouble.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I don't believe in much.
Sure, they're cool.
I don't have time for that.


How long would you mourn a loved one who passed away?
A couple years.
I'd always take a shot for them on the anniversary of their death.
I wouldn't stop.
I'd mourn a few months but never forget.
What is a crime you could get busted for?
Loving too much.
Man, that's a long list.
How does your soulmate behave when walking down the street at night with you?
He keeps his arm around my waste.
No different than he would in the daylight.
He is always car-side and holding my hand.
Like he is ready to fight anyone that looks at us.


What do you love about a potential soulmate?
He's tough and sensitive.
He just doesn't care.
He's gentle with me.
He's one tough hombre.
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
I shove my cat off my chest.
I take a swig of whatever I left on my bedside table.
I kiss my cat.
I go back to sleep.
What sport would you love to watch your soulmate play?


What is something that can destroy a relationship?
Not being in love.
What are you most likely to argue with your soulmate about?
Not having any money.
Where to live.
Who loves the other more.
How does your soulmate act in public.
He's charming.
The same as in private - rude, brash, and funny.
He's a little shy.


Where would you and your soulmate spend your anniversary?
An awesome bed and breakfast.
A Caribbean island.
In a city we've never been to before.
The Waffle House.
What should your soulmate call you?
Umm, my name.
What do you think it means when a Starbucks employee shortens your name on your order?
They don't respect me.
They are in a hurry.
They are messin' with me.


What should your soulmate sleep in?
Boxers and a tee.
Actual pajamas.
Whatever they were wearing that day.
How does your soulmate show you a good time?
Making me feel like the only woman alive.
He is always joking around.
He treats me as an equal.
We do something wild.
How do you end a date?
With a kiss.
Without a kiss, but with hope.
With a hug.
With some sexy time.


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