About This Quiz
Let's take a trip back in time. Imagine you're a housewife or stay at home dad. You're living in a pretty decent neighborhood, have a few kids who you adore, and money isn't a problem (aside from a big emergency). Overall, life is pretty good. Although right now, you'd love to ship those kids off to their grandparents hire a full-time housekeeper and just take some time in a bathtub, soaking away life's problems.
Why? Well, one of the kids caught something nasty (we'll spare you the details), and like every cold that comes to your home, it spread. So now you're stranded at home with a couple of sick kids and very little time to just decompress. On top of which your significant other just called and told you that they'd be late for dinner, which on the one hand is OK (dinner was going to be something easy), but on the other hand, you're stuck even longer with the germ-ridden kids. Luckily, you do have one escape - your daily soaps, where you can imagine your life being a smidge less chaotic.
But which soap is your style? Is it one with high school kids where the drama a little less or are we talking the heavy hitting family soap where families are at each others' throats? Let's find out by taking this quiz to see what soap is closest to your lifestyle.
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