Which Star Wars Character Brings Out Your Dark Side?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Star Wars Character Brings Out Your Dark Side?
Image: Lucasfilm

About This Quiz

The very first Star Wars movie came out all the way back in 1977. There aren't a lot of movie series that can claim to have been around that long and somehow gotten even more popular but Star Wars has done it. The original series grew into three different trilogies and then there were spin-offs like "Solo" and "Rogue One" that proved to be just as popular. Toss in endless toys and action figures, video games, comic books, animated series, theme park rides and merchandise that consists of everything from run-of-the-mill T-shirts to salads, and you've got a monster of a pop culture machine. Star Wars is huge.

Since Star Wars has pretty much invaded every corner of our lives, it can't be too much of a stretch to look for the ways it reflects on your personality when you think about it. After all, at its core, it's a struggle between good and evil, between the right choices and the wrong choices. It's also about family dynamics and legacies, something so many of us can relate to. So with that in mind, which character do you think brings out the Dark Side in you? We have at least one way to find out: Take this quiz!

What personality trait do you think you're most well known for?
My intelligence
My sense of humor
My temper
My business sense
What are you most likely to be doing on a Saturday night after the sun goes down?
A quiet night at home
Partying with friends
Whatever I feel like
Hanging out at a bar or a club
Let's say you were wielding the Force. Which Force ability would be your favorite?
The Force Choke
Force lightning
The Jedi mind trick


Step outside the world of Star Wars for a moment. Who's the best movie villain out there?
Hannibal Lecter
The Joker
The temptation of the Dark Side can be very strong. Have you ever given in and stolen anything?
When I was young
Yes, I have.
I'm not answering that.
If you wanted to get out of work for a day, would you be willing to lie to your boss about why you needed the time off?
I don't tell pointless lies like that.
Not to my boss
I've done it before.


Would you lie to someone you loved if it got you out of trouble?
To save myself? Sure.
Maybe? If it was a small lie
Without hesitation
I don't think so.
How would you react if you found out your partner had been seeing someone else behind your back?
I'd drop them immediately.
I'd break down.
I'd go into a rage.
I might have to revenge cheat.
Ever parked illegally?
When I know I can get away with it
Not since my last ticket
Who hasn't?


Have you ever sabotaged the work someone was doing because you didn't like them?
I'm a little more direct than that.
If they deserved it
What's the appropriate way to respond to someone who cuts you off in traffic?
Cold rage
Loud swearing
The middle finger
Which of these things is most important to you in life?
Having a good time


If you had to pick one of the Seven Deadly Sins that you succumb to the most, which would it be?
When you talk about having a Dark Side, what does that mean to you?
My negative emotions
My bad impulses
My temper
My baser urges
Do you ever get sick of being around other people?
I do value my alone time.
Not really
I like being around others.


Do you ever lash out at people and then regret it later?
I don't regret it.
I don't lash out.
All the time
Once in a while, but not really
How do you react when you feel like someone in authority is giving you a hard time for no reason?
I'll find a way to get it sorted out.
Grin and bear it
I don't let anyone give me crap.
I get pretty angry, but I can't do much.
If someone is purposely trying to start something with you, will you take the bait?
I'd handle it on my terms, not theirs.
I'd walk away.


Would you laugh if you saw someone trip and fall in front of you?
As long as they weren't seriously hurt
Well, yeah
That sounds like something that would make me laugh.
Are you easily frustrated or can you keep your cool no matter what?
I'm always cool.
Some things frustrate me.
I can fly off the handle pretty easily.
You have to really push me to get me frustrated.
If you were losing a board game and your opponent left the room for a minute, would you cheat?
A board game isn't really worth it.
For sure!


Let's say you're in a parking lot and you back into someone's car. There's a good-sized dent but no one saw it happen. Are you leaving a note?
If you didn't want your car dented, you shouldn't have left it in my way.
I'd probably leave a note.
If no one saw, it didn't happen.
I'd check for security cameras. None of those? No note.
This one is both very serious and very dark. Have you ever blamed a fart on someone else?
The dog
I just pretend it never happened.
Of course
Some places in the world lend themselves better to exploring your dark side than others. Pick a place where you'd go to express your darker urges.
Las Vegas


The power's out! What's the best way to pass the time in the dark?
Read by candlelight
Go for a walk
Work out
If the person you're seeing makes you dinner and it's absolutely terrible, what are you going to do?
Tell them directly.
Lie about it.
Make an excuse to not eat.
How bad could it be?
Have you ever been questioned by the police for any reason at all?
Yes, but nothing ever happened.
Too many times


Overall, would you say you live a pretty happy life?
It could be better.
Not really
I don't have too many complaints.
If you could go back in time to meet any historical figure, who would it be?
Genghis Khan
George Washington
Is anything darker than your urge for junk food? Pick your favorite!
Burger King
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Taco Bell


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