Which State Do Your Values Belong In?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which State Do Your Values Belong In?
Image: Seth K. Hughes / Image Source / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Do your state's values line up with your own? Or do you feel a little out of place every time you open your mouth? Throughout this quiz, you'll get the chance to tell us about the things you value, your political opinions and the states you think are doing the best job. By the end, you'll know which state shares your sensibilities and your beliefs. 

More conservative states like the ones in the American South hold values that might be considered more traditional. But states like California are open to embracing change and welcoming new ways of thinking. Once you answer these questions honestly, the state you really belong in will be clear. Will it be the state you've always wanted to check out? 

There are no right or wrong answers to our questions. In fact, many of them are based on your opinion alone. The only way to understand the things you hold dear is to see how your mind works and what you think of the state of the country. When you've opened up and said what you think, we'll compare you to all the states in the union where your values would best fit in. Are you ready to find out? 

family values
tomazl / E+ / Getty Images
Traditional family values are a big thing in Iowa. How traditional are you?
I try to live like our grandparents lived.
I'm not that traditionally oriented.
My chosen family is closer to me than my actual family.
Family means different things to different people.
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of these things do you consider the most important?
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
California and Texas are known for having the best public schools. Is education a big deal for you?
Student loan debts are too high. People should be learning trades.
Education is everything.
It's important, but life lessons are important, too.
I believe that education should be free for everyone.


vernonwiley / E+ / Getty Images
Which state motto could be your own personal motto?
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.
Live Free or Die
couple move in together
skynesher / E+ / Getty Images
In your opinion, how long should a couple date before they move in together?
They should wait until marriage.
It's up to the couple, not me.
They should date for at least a year first.
I think you'll know if it will work after a few months.
women's rights
Tassii / E+ / Getty Images
If you attended a protest, what would you be advocating?
The 2nd amendment
Women's rights
Voter's rights
Immigrant rights


The Great Depression
Dorothea Lange via WIkiCommons
What era of American history do you find most fascinating?
The Civil War
The '60s
The Great Depression
The here and now is pretty darn fascinating.
Kids playing
Alistair Berg / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If the kids next door kept throwing their balls into your backyard, how would you react?
Throw them back once a week, so they don't try and sneak into my yard.
Join in on their fun!
I'd just walk over and talk to their parents.
I would build a taller fence.
Hollie Fernando / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness? Which one are you focused on?
I'm more focused on making ends meet.


global warming
Patricia Hamilton / Moment / Getty Images
Are you at all concerned with global warming and rising sea levels?
It's an enormous concern for me.
I don't think about it too much.
It's on my mind all the time.
I do not believe it's as bad as they say it is.
farmers' work ethic
Bill Hinton Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Do you share the same work ethic that America's farmers have?
I work from sun up to sundown.
My work ethic is strong, but it's not my whole life.
I am a farmer.
There are easier ways to make money.
church services
FatCamera / E+ / Getty Images
How often do you and your family attend church services?
Sometimes, we go twice a week.
I never attend church.
We go every Sunday.
I attend on holidays to make my family happy.


kind of car you drive
Matelly / Cultura / Getty Images
Do you believe the kind of car you drive says anything about you?
It says I work hard.
It's important to drive an impressive car.
It says I pay my bills.
My car says that I care about the planet.
Florida 1
Photo by James Keith / Moment / Getty Images
Could you see yourself living in a state like Florida?
Florida's people are too wacky for me.
It can't be too different from where I am now.
I wouldn't mind finding out.
It's too hot for me.
New England
Photography by Deb Snelson / Moment / Getty Images
Which of New England's states could you see yourself living in?
I like where I am!


fossil fuels
spooh / E+ / Getty Images
Do you think the United States needs to move away from fossil fuels?
It would cost too many jobs.
We need renewable energy now.
I don't know much about it.
We will always need them, but the industry needs to be cleaned up.
organic foods
brightstars / E+ / Getty Images
When you're shopping, do you choose organic foods?
I choose whatever is on sale.
I only eat locally grown food.
I don't pay much attention.
I only eat organic or homegrown foods.
election tampering
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What do you think is the biggest issue the nation is facing?
Election tampering
National security
A liberal agenda


American virtues
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of these American virtues do you hold closest to your heart?
president's job performance
OlegAlbinsky / E+ / Getty Images
Be honest! Do you approve of the president's job performance?
I'm proud of our president.
It's rather embarrassing.
The president could be a little more diplomatic.
I weep for our country.
Tom Werner / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's your stance on health care?
Get a job with insurance!
Health care is a basic human right.
I'm all for Medicare expansion.
We need a single-payer system.


NFL players take a knee
Keith Allison via WikiCommons
Is it appropriate for NFL players to take a knee during the national anthem?
It's rude.
It's a good way to silently protest.
I think those players should be kicked off the field.
It's their right to express themselves however they see fit.
ban on assault rifles
Allkindza / E+ / Getty Images
What do you think would truly make America great again?
A return to the church
A different president
A little compassion
A ban on assault rifles
South Carolina
Daniela Duncan / Moment / Getty Images
Which one of the American South's states has the best values?
South Carolina


Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What is the most important thing that children should be taught?
Financial management
California's straw ban
Karl Tapales / Moment / Getty Images
Do you agree or disagree with California's straw ban?
I think it's ridiculous.
It's a win for the environment.
I see their point, but I still want a straw.
I'm not aware of the straw ban.
municipal election
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you more likely to vote Democrat or Republican in a municipal election?
I'll vote for the best candidate.
I always vote Democrat.
I tend to vote only Republican.
I always vote for a third-party candidate.


American music
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Which type of American music do you listen to most often?
former presidents
Eric Draper via WikiCommons
Out of these former presidents, which one do you identify with the most?
Jimmy Carter
Barack Obama
George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton
fake news
Kayla Velasquez via WikiCommons
What % of the news do you believe is fake?


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