Which Uncommon Dog Breed Would You Be?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Uncommon Dog Breed Would You Be?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

People look into the eyes of dogs and feel a connection. Dogs have sweet little proto-souls we can strongly relate to. Dogs evolved with humans over thousands of years, and recent evidence points to dogs effectively domesticating themselves by hanging around humans in the hope of some dinner scraps, so they truly are a companion to humankind and always have been. We are like dogs, and dogs are like us, and that is no mistake of fate.

Since dog breeding truly came into fashion in the 1800s, people have bred dozens and dozens of dog breeds, each with a specific purpose. When Lord Tweedmouth first created the Golden Retriever, it was a revelation and kept secret for years. Now, these amiable dogs with their soft coats and friendly personalities are everywhere. Who knows what peculiar dog breed will, in a century, become as ubiquitous as the Golden Retriever is today?

If you were a breed of dog, what breed would you be? Think of the major breeds as archetypes so pure that few people fit that mold. Every dog has its strengths, its faults, its health advantages and its health problems. We love our dogs because we feel a strong connection, but could that bond be more than just an emotional one? What obscure dog breed would you be?

What industry do you work in?
How do you dress for work?
Fashion forward casual
A suit
A boiler suit
Jeans and a blazer
What climate would you visit when you travel?


What sort of bar would you go to after work?
Something trendy, probably in Brooklyn
An expensive bar
A pub
A local bar and grill
What is your preferred drink?
What is your casual dress ensemble?
Pre-distressed jeans and a funky T-shirt
Dark jeans and a blazer
Athletic clothes


Which TV show are you most likely to watch?
"Future Man"
"Downton Abbey"
Do people often make false assumptions about you?
They think I don't work hard.
They think I'm someone else.
They think they know me from somewhere, but don't.
They think I do something different from what I do for a living.
Which car most appeals to your sensibilities?
Ford Escape
Range Rover
MG Sprite
Volvo XC90


Which musical genre is your favorite?
Classic rock
Folk music
How athletic are you?
More than you'd think, but I'm only good at certain things.
I'm a great athlete. A five tool player.
I'm okay, but not amazing.
I'm good for my size.
How easily do you get bored?
I don't get bored. I find things to do.
I need to get out frequently.
I can sit around all day, no problem.
If I don't have anything to do, I go stir-crazy.


How protective are you of your friends?
I'm very protective.
I'd kill for my friends' safety.
I'll always speak on behalf of a friend.
I'll rattle the cage, but I won't be very effective.
Are you part of a vanishing subculture?
Yeah, I don't see too many folks like me anymore.
No, I'm part of a much larger subculture.
Yeah, I'm a vanishing breed.
I have local popularity.
What sort of place do you like to visit when you travel?
Someplace cool, like Ibiza.
Someplace stark, like Canada.
Someplace with history, like Scotland.
Someplace with interesting cuisine, like Scandanavia.


Do you have a big family?
I have a few cousins.
I have a massive family.
I have a very small family.
I have a tight-knit family, and it's of reasonable size.
Do you often remind people of someone else?
How much time do you spend on your appearance day to day?
None. I let it all hang out.
I keep myself meticulously groomed.
I keep it natural, but groomed.
I just keep it simple, and don't need to do much upkeep.


How Bohemian are you?
I'm very Bohemian.
Not much
A little bit
Not at all!
Did you ever have a period when you were in the limelight?
No, not really
I'm having that right now!
I had one, once. A long time ago.
No, but there's hope.
What would you like best to do during the day?
Manage a team
Curl up and nap
Quality control


What sport most interests you?
How connected are you to your local community?
I'm a pillar of the community.
I'm on the periphery.
I'm not important anymore.
My connection is fraying.
Where do you live?
My home is landlocked and mountainous.
The countryside
A cold island
I live in the city.


What movie most appeals to you?
"Lost Highway"
"Air Bud"
"Mrs. Brown"
"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"
How do you commute to work?
I walk.
I ride a bike.
I take a taxi.
I take public transportation.
Do you live alone?
No, I have a family.
I have a room mate.
I have a romantic partner I live with.


How hard do you have to work to get by?
I work hard, but it comes naturally.
I work it fits and bursts.
I don't work hard at all.
I work my butt off all day every day.
Do you work in a customer-facing role?
No, it's all client-facing.
Yes, customers and clients.
No, I'm retired.
No, I'm still in school.
What is your attitude towards sheep?
They're silly, frightened creatures.
They are delicious.
They're an important agricultural product.
They need protecting, or through chaos, they will die.


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