Which Unique Retirement Plan Fits Your Personality?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Unique Retirement Plan Fits Your Personality?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Sometimes the traditional company pension or 401K retirement plan doesn't fit your personality, current or future needs. Well, everyone needs a plan of some kind. Take this quiz to find out which unique retirement plan fits your personality.
How much money is in your checking account right now?
Under $100.
Between $100 and $500.
Over $500.
What is the most embarrassing thing your credit card was declined for?
A bag of ramen noodles. Sigh.
Something at a fast food drive-thru. And, I had to wait in the shame-line until everyone else in front of me left.
Dinner with a first date.
A tube of anti-itch cream. But it was for my dog, seriously....ehem, my dog.
Have you ever had to search your car for gas money change?
Only when I was in college.
Maybe once or twice.
All the time.


What is your highest level of education?
I graduated high school.
I've spent some time in community college.
I have a college degree.
I have an advanced college degree.
Does your career fit with what you went to school for?
Fast food cashier? It sure does!
Maybe in a convoluted way.
Not really.
No, I am not Indiana Jones.
What is your preferred form of gambling?
I play the ponies.
I play the lottery.
I play cards.
I play slots.


Do you know anyone who has ever won the lottery?
Oh yeah, some homeless guy I gave money to the other day.
A spoiled uncle.
An old friend. Seriously, they skipped town quick.
Just on TV.
What do you think the best way to save your extra money is?
In my mattress.
In a money jar.
Investing it in coins or baseball cards.
In a savings account.
What is a sure-fire investment payoff?
Investing in old coins.
Collecting Barbie dolls.
Penny stocks.
Investing in abandoned Detroit homes.


You find $100 on the street. What do you do with the money?
Purchase lottery tickets.
I'd ask out that cutie I've been eyeing for at least a year.
Put it into my coin jar so I feel special.
Trade it in for 100 single dollar bills. Everyone will be impressed.
Do you believe in getting dirty?
What? Like mud and stuff?
I don't mind it.
I love to get dirty.
I guess I wouldn't, but I'd prefer not to.
How good are you at solving puzzles?
I don't do puzzles.
It's a puzzle that a puzzle will... wait, what was the question?
I'm okay.
I'm the Puzzle King. Yes! That's a title.


Are you into history?
Don't care for it.
Only if it means I'll impress someone with my knowledge.
I love it!
Like boring history? Hmm, come back to me.
What is the coolest thing you own?
A metal detector.
A coffee mug that says, "This is the coolest thing I own."
Garbage bags of lottery tickets in case I win. Those things are a tax write-off you know.
An antique soup can collection.
A fast food cashier accidentally gives you $3.00 extra for change. What do you do?
Buy three lottery tickets.
Go back to the restaurant and return the money.
Bury the money in my yard and hope to find it later.
Order three more items on the dollar menu.


When do you refill your gas tank?
What? Like to full?
After I have used 1/4 a tank.
At the halfway marker.
When the needle points to empty.
Do you have any wealthy relatives?
Nope. We're all broke as a joke.
Well, I have this uncle who went into the Amazon years ago, but nobody's seen him since then.
Everyone except me.
I'm not sure.
Who is your favorite male actor?
Nicolas Cage.
Chris Pratt.
Harrison Ford.
Matt Damon.


Do you think it's possible to win the lottery?
Probably not since I don't play.
It's possible, but unlikely.
I'm betting on it.
How often do you go to the flea market?
When I am looking for something specific.
Every Saturday. Seriously, I don't have a life.
A couple times a year.
Do you think you'll every be financially wealthy?
I'm certain.
Probably not.
Let me check my Magic 8-ball. Hmm, it says "doubtful."
I sure hope so.


What's a movie you can get into?
"It Could Happen to You."
"Great Expectations."
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom."
Are you an optimist?
My glass is always half full.
I try to be.
I'm a bandwagon optimist.
What are you looking for when you go to the flea market?
Dropped change on the ground.
A once in a lifetime discovery.
Business ideas.


What is your relationship status?
I'm bored.
I'm happily pretending I have a girlfriend in Canada.
I'm married with a bun in the oven.
I'm single and terrified of dating.
Which is your favorite coin?
Quarter because it is worth more.
Nickel, because it's unique.
Dime, because I like small things.
Penny, because it makes my hands taste weird after handling.
What do you eat for brunch?
The McDonald's dollar menu.
The half sandwich I found in the work refrigerator.
The bowl of skittles at the receptionist's desk.
Ramen noodles, when I can afford it.


How would you describe your investing knowledge?
Pithy. Containing much pith. Wait, does that make sense?
How would YOU describe YOUR investing knowledge?
I would deflect my lack of knowledge onto someone with less knowledge than myself.
Well, I can count coins. That's about it.
What do you do for a living?
I'm a carny.
I work at the Quickie Mart.
I'm what you would call an entrepreneur.
I'm an importer exporter.
What is the best way to get rich?
Win big or go home.
Over time, like when a rich person dies and leaves you money.
Investing the time into education, such as how many cameras does the local bank have and the police response time.
Learn from history and then sell your items on Ebay.


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