Which Venomous Snake Represents Your Dark Soul?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Venomous Snake Represents Your Dark Soul?
Image: Mark Kostich/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Which type of venomous snake represents your dark soul the best? Would it be a cottonmouth, copperhead, king cobra or an inland taipan? There's only one way to find out and that's by taking this quiz! 

With exactly 30 questions about your dark personality traits, this quiz will determine which type of venomous snake suits your personality best! If you're ready, it's time to take this quiz right now! Almost everyone has a dark soul, or at least a bit of a dark edge to them. This doesn't necessarily have to come from negative or evil intentions, as selfish characteristics can also be a sign of a dark soul. The amount of negative thoughts a person has in their mind may also represent how dark their soul is, as well as their levels of pessimism. 

Some people also have a good soul, which means that they are kind, gentle and warm in nature. These types of people tend to do good deeds for the world, and may also have quite a bit of confidence in themselves. Whether your soul is very dark, or just a little bit dark, it's time for you to take this quiz right now!

If you had superpowers, would you use them for evil?
Of course!
Maybe for both good and evil.
I would use them for selfish purposes.
No, I'd use them for good deeds.
What's the most mysterious thing about you?
I don't talk that much.
I'm always one step ahead of others.
I can read people really well.
I'm not that mysterious.
Are you more shy or outgoing in nature?
I'm much more shy.
I'm somewhere in the middle.
It depends who I'm around.
I'm very outgoing.


Does anything make you nervous in life?
Fear of failure.
A huge work load.
Nothing really.
Do you tend to show affection to others?
I don't know how.
Not really.
Only to close friends and family.
Yes, all the time!
What motivates you?
Nothing, I have no motivation.
My personal goals.
Lots of coffee.
The sunshine!


Can you control your emotions well?
I don't really feel any emotions anymore.
No, not really.
Somewhat, yes.
Of course!
Which type of villain are you?
A mastermind.
A bully.
Someone who causes chaos.
I don't think I'm a villain.
Do you have a dark past that you hide from others?
Yes, and I wish I could change it.
I have a dark past, but I don't hide it from others.
It's not that dark.
No, not really.


What makes you jealous?
Gorgeous people
Successful people
Popular people
Intelligent people
If you were one of the seven deadly sins, which would you be?
Are you more of a selfish or a selfless person?
I don't think I'm either.
Somewhere in the middle.
I'm much more selfish.
I'm more selfless.


Do you have more positive or negative thoughts flowing through your mind?
Negative thoughts.
I have both flowing through my mind.
I have neutral thoughts.
Positive thoughts.
If your soul was an animal, what would it be?
A spider
A wolf
A shark
A tiger
How often do you doubt yourself?
More than I want to admit.
Only when I feel stressed.
Very rarely.


If you had to play a villain in a movie, which of these would you portray?
Lex Luthor
Do you think that luck is on your side?
No, it never is.
Sometimes it is.
Only when I say a prayer.
Yes, I'm a pretty lucky person.
How often do you feel lonely?
All the time.
Only when I'm by myself.
Only when I feel really stressed out in life.
Not too often.


Which of the following do you do to calm yourself down?
I don't do anything.
I go out for a walk.
I read a book.
I talk to my friends.
Do you wish you had more friends?
Yes, all the time.
Only when I have no one else to talk to.
No, I'm good with my social circle.
What do you feel insecure about?
Everything in my life.
My looks.
My lack of confidence.
My intelligence.


How often do you show moments of weakness?
Very rarely.
Way too often.
Only to my close friends.
I don't really have that many moments of weakness.
If you could have one wish in life, what would it be?
To live a different kind of life.
To change my past.
To have superpowers.
To become more intelligent.
Are you hopeful about your future?
No, not at all.
Sometimes I feel this way.
Only with some encouragement from friends and family.
Yes, very much so!


What do you eat when you're feeling stressed out?
I don't eat when I'm stressed.
Comfort food
Junk food
Healthy snacks
Do you tend to blame yourself when things go wrong?
Yes, all the time.
Only when it's actually my fault.
Only if I feel bad about a situation.
No, not too often.
What's the best way to express your negative emotions?
By showing passive-aggressive behavior.
By crying.
By yelling.
By walking away from a situation.


What do you tend to procrastinate on?
Literally everything.
Anything work-related.
Doing chores around the house.
Calling or texting people back.
Is your personality more like the sun or the moon?
It's more like the moon.
I'd like to think I'm the stars in the sky.
I prefer to be the clouds on a sunny day.
I'm more of a sun person.
Do you sleep well at night?
No, I'm very restless when I sleep.
I wake up pretty groggy despite getting plenty of sleep.
Yes I do!


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