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About This Quiz
Do you have a signature expression that you use when trying to be attractive? Ever do a walk off? Are you so good looking that your friends say it is ridiculous? Which Zoolander character are you?
How good looking are you?
Ridiculously good looking.
Totally good looking.
Most people say I am good looking.
Amazingly good looking...if you like my type.
Who should be model of the year?
Me of course, I have been the best for ever.
Me. I am so hot right now.
Whoever deserves it most.
Whoever is easiest to brainwash.
What is Billy Zane up to?
I don't know but he is my friend.
He is a cool dude, just trying to help you out.
I don't know, does he ever act anymore?
He is up to no good, all he does is cause trouble.
What do you think of sweatshops?
They have shops to buy sweat?
I can't say they sound too cool.
They are horrible, and need to be stopped.
Best thing ever!
What might you say?
What is this? A center for ants?
This has been an emotional day for all of us. I think we should get naked.
I think they're vain, stupid, and incredibly self-centered.
My name's Little Cletus and I'm here to tell you a few things about child labor laws, ok?
What is a eugoogooly?
Do you think I am stupid?
I don't know, but it sounds wild.
Oh please stop.
Hansel is so hot right now!
How do you settle arguments?
Walk offs. I just hope no one notices I can't go left.
Walk offs of course. Wait until you see my special move.
I talk things out like an adult.
I like to hypnotize people.
What are you working on?
A new look called "Magmum."
Being the next top model.
Just my career, and being a better person.
An assassination plot.
What do you do on your day off?
Look in the mirror.
Practice yoga.
Sleep in and then go for a run.
Hang out with my dog.
How do you wear your hair?
Short and tight, with a lot of gel.
Long and hip.
I just try and make my hair look nice, but not too extravagant.
My hair is wild, I like it to freak people out.
If you were not doing what you were doing now, what would your dream job be?
An actor.
A yoga instructor.
A businessperson.
A politician.
How often do you date.
Not much, people are intimidated by my looks.
All the time.
Why would you get fired?
For not doing the job right.
For getting high on the job.
For being a whistleblower.
For stealing.
Who do you spend the most time with?
My roomies.
Whoever I can hook up with.
My coworkers.
My employees.
Best fashion trends of the 2000's?
Turtleneck Sweaters.
Ed Hardy Tee Shirts
Abercrombie and Fitch
Trucker Hats
How hot is Katinka?
Not very, she is kind of butch for my tastes.
Totally hot, she drives me crazy.
She is gorgeous.
Wait, Katinka is hot?
If someone is in competition with you, how do you handle it?
Freak out and feel threatened by them.
Make fun of them because you find them intimidating.
Work harder and try to improve.
Hire a hitman.
What might you say when angry?
"What say we settle this on the runway... Han-Solo?
"Who are you tryin' to get crazy with, ese? Don't you know I'm loco?
"Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't a male model. "
"Obey my dog!"
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