Who Are You?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Who Are You?
Image: Shutterstock.com

About This Quiz

Probably the biggest question of all time, the one that philosophers have struggled to figure out since the beginning of time, is not just based on who we are as humans as a group, but more about who you are as an individual. I mean come on, who are you really? What makes you tick? What about your personality? Is it just something that you present to the world as a mask? We all have so many different sides of our personalities, we can all be brave, and fearful at the same time, we can be serious and funny, honest and deceitful, humble, envious, hurtful and kind. Many people that are close to you might not know you at all; they might just have an idea of who you are, that isn't at all how you view yourself.

It all sounds so confusing, and it really is, but there is one good thing about all of this, if you actually do figure out who you are, if you really put the work in, you could change your entire life with that information. Maybe you should take the initiative and get started with this quiz to find out who you are. Good luck!

Are you in a relationship?
No, I don't have time for that right now.
Yes, and I'm very grateful for my partner.
I'm not sure what we are.
Yes, but I keep my life balanced.
Do you have a good mental image of who you are?
No, that's why I'm taking this quiz. Duh!
Yes, I know exactly who I am.
I have a general idea.
No, it's continually changing.
Is who you think you are now the same as who you want to be?
I sure hope so.
I guess, but I'm always learning new things.
No, I don't think we ever fully become who we hope to be because we're heavily influenced by the world around us, which is largely out of our control.
I don't know.


Would the 7-year old version of you be satisfied with who you are today?
Yes, I like to think so.
I'm not sure.
No, my 7-year old self had extremely high expectations of me.
I can't remember well, but probably.
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
Yes, I want to pursue a white collar profession.
Yes, I want to pursue a blue collar profession.
I'm not sure yet.
I just want to be happy. Beyond that, I'm not picky.
Do you ever struggle with existential crises?
All the time.
Occasionally, but not often.


How's your relationship with your family?
It's mostly non-existent.
It's strained.
I think it's average.
I have a great relationship with my family.
Do you have a 5 or 10 year plan?
Yes, I have both.
I have an informal 5 year plan. 10 years is too far in advance.
I don't see a reason for either.
No, but I should probably make one.
Which of the following is most important to you?
Career aspirations and achievements.
Social and economic status.


What do you prefer to do in your free time?
Watch my favorite show or go see a movie.
Spend time with my pet(s).
Spend time outdoors.
Read a good book or article.
What's your philosophy on food?
I eat everything and anything.
I do my best to buy locally sourced foods and limit meat in my diet.
I'm a vegan.
I'm a vegetarian.
Where do you go when you need time to yourself?
My bedroom.
A favorite outdoor location.
To a friend's house.


How would you describe your childhood?
Are animals important to you?
I love animals.
I like animals.
I can tolerate animals.
I'm not a fan.
When someone is rude to you, how do you respond?
By ignoring them.
By tell them they're being rude.
By treating them the way they're treating me.
It depends on the situation.


Which kind of trip would you like to go on most?
A beach vacation.
A ski trip.
A hiking trip in the mountains.
A trip that consists of many museums.
Your friends would describe you as:
What do you usually do when you pass a homeless person asking money on the street?
Give them money if I have some on me.
Keep walking.
Offer to buy them a meal.
Offer to call a local shelter for them.


When you need someone to listen, who do you go to?
A parent figure.
A sibling or best friend.
My therapist.
My pet.
When you need advice, who do you go to?
A mentor.
My best friend.
A parent or other adult family figure.
My pet.
What's your favorite subject?
The humanities.
The sciences.
The social sciences.
The arts.


Are you a good roommate?
I think I am.
Yes, but I always have bad roommates.
Eh, I wouldn't say good.
No, I'm definitely not.
How often do you feel "moody?"
Quite often.
Every once in a while.
What's your go-to T-shirt color?


Has anyone ever called you sensitive?
No, quite the opposite.
I'm not sure.
Once or twice.
Are people ever intimidated or impressed by your intelligence?
Yes, but probably more intimidated.
I wish.
Not that I know of.
I think so.
Have you ever been called mature for your age?
Haha, no.
Once or twice.
I don't remember.
Yes, quite a bit.


What is your go to take-out choice?
Chinese food.
Mexican food.
Indian food.
Italian food.
When is the last time you set aside time specifically for self-care?
I can't remember.
Within the past couple week.
Within the past couple months.
A few months ago or more.
What's your favorite time of day?
Night time.
Anytime but the morning.


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