Who is Your "Star Wars" Twin?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Who is Your "Star Wars" Twin?
Image: The Movie DB

About This Quiz

Who hasn't at one time wondered what it would be like to have a twin? Imagine if your twin were from the "Star Wars" franchise. Who would it be? A Jedi? A Sith? A princess? Or a random bounty hunter? Take this quiz and find out who your "Star Wars" twin is.
What do you think is the best thing about being a twin?
Wearing the same clothes.
Having someone to confide in.
Having someone who understands me.
The "twin factor."
Do you believe twins really have a special power?
I'm not so sure.
I can feel my twin.
Who cares?
What special powers do you believe twins have?
The ability to be a great wing man.
Hear each other's thoughts.
The ability to know when the other is near or in danger.
The ability to know if they should go high or low in a fight.


Do you think a twin's special power is force related?
I don't believe in all that hocus pocus mumbo jumbo.
I'd say minimally at best.
I'm not a big force person, but maybe.
How often would you like to hang out around your twin?
We'd meet up every few months.
Every couple days or when I need someone I can trust.
If you had a twin would you dress the same?
We'd probably have a different colored light saber.
There is no other way.


If you had a twin would you want to work in the same place?
Yeah, but it would get heated.
For sure.
Not really.
Maybe, if they have the skills.
What would you and your twin's occupation be in "Star Wars?"
Rebel pilot.
Jedi knight.
Supreme leader of the Empire.
Bounty hunter.
Would you ever date your twin's ex?
Heck yeah.
I don't date.
That's rude.


Do you think you would be more loyal to your twin than a nontwin sibling?
I have no loyalty.
I don't know.
Would you be the good guy or the bad guy?
A little from column A and a little from column B.
Good guy.
Bad guy.
Whichever pays the most.
Could you be a Jedi and your twin a Sith?
That's a likely scenario.
No, we'd both be Jedi.
We'd both be Sith.
There is always a chance. The force is a powerful thing.


Would your twin be your companion on all your travels?
Jeez, I hope not.
We'd never be companions.
Side by side, man.
Would you fly a space ship together?
Well, I'd fly, but he could be there.
We could probably switch off.
I have my own ship.
We'd fly our own, but swap if needed.
If your twin got you into trouble, we mean bad trouble, what would you do?
Grab him and get the hell out of there.
Shake it off because we both make mistakes.
Slay my twin.
Slap my twin around a bit, but forgive them.


What do you think you and your twin would talk about?
The opposite sex.
Plans to get the heck out of Dodge.
Taking over the Empire.
Our next score.
What was your childhood like?
Pretty normal.
I was pretty big stuff back then.
How often do you talk to your parents?
Oh yeah, I should call them.
On their birthdays and holidays.


Would you be jealous of your twin?
They'd be jealous of me.
Yes, then we would fight to the death.
Who is your favorite "Star Wars" character?
Luke Skywalker.
Jango Fett.
What is the coolest thing about "Star Wars" bounty hunters?
They are sneaky.
They put up a good fight.
They always get the job done.
They come well armed.


Do you lean toward the light or dark side of the force?
I'm in the middle.
The light side.
The dark side.
I don't believe in the force.
Have you ever seen a ghost?
I think so.
I am a ghost.
I vaporized it.
Which type of movies would you and your twin watch?
Just "Star Wars."
Any Science Fiction.
Rom-coms. Surprised?


What role do you play on a team?
The cocky one.
The team player and motivator.
The dictator.
The one who gets things done.
How many hours a day do you sleep?
5 or less.
How old are you?
Less than 20.


What is your goal in life?
To make one big score and retire.
To make the world a better place.
To be president of the United States.
To live freely.
What is your one "Star Wars" bucket list item?
To make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.
To fly an X-wing fighter.
To get in an epic lightsaber duel.
To visit as many planets as I can.
Who do you think your "Star Wars" twin is?
Han Solo.
Darth Vader.
Boba Fett.


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