Who Would Your "Harry Potter" Dad Be?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Who Would Your "Harry Potter" Dad Be?
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures / Heyday Films / 1492 Pictures

About This Quiz

The Harry Potter wizarding world is full of father figures that take their time to teach those that are under them. They are all about helping children learn (although some of them will gladly break the rules to do so), and they want to take care of their families, even when times are tough. They all want their children to learn the ways of the family, the ways of the wizarding world, and the ways of society.

Not only are these father figures relevant to the storylines, but they are also essential for the character development of the story. These teachers always want to help those in need, and it is no surprise that you may have thought (once or twice) about who your dad would be if you lived in the world of Harry Potter. Would your dad be serious, like Severus Snape? Would he be a workaholic Dumbledore? Would he do anything to teach you and help you learn, like Remus Lupin? Or would he be fun-loving and let you get into trouble like Arthur Weasley? 

If you are wondering who your dad would be in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, take some time to answer these questions, and we'll tell you.

Let's start by learning about how you react to authority. If you have a question in class, what are you most likely to do?
Stay quiet and say nothing
Ask without raising my hand
As a friend instead of the teacher
Raise my hand
When an authority figure tells you that you can't go somewhere, what do you do?
Listen, because he will punish me
Try to figure out why he doesn't want me to go
Go anyway, just for fun
Get a bunch of friends to go with me
You find a new spell in a book; who are you most likely to try it on?
An enemy
A teacher
A sibling
A friend


If you were grounded in the wizarding world, what would you most likely do?
Stay in my room and read books
Go to the library and research
Leave my room and get into more trouble
Find a new spell to try on someone I know
If you were forbidden to go to Hogsmeade with the group, would you stay in your room?
I'd use my invisibility cloak to sneak out.
I'd find a way to earn the right to go to Hogsmeade.
I'd use Polyjuice potion to go as someone else.
I'd stay in my room.
Do you think it's okay to talk back to adults?
Yes, and I will face the consequences if it is that important.
Not in the wizarding world
Yes, but I don't.
No, never


Have you ever broken curfew?
No, never
Yes, but only when my parents let me.
Yes, and my parents didn't care.
No, but I don't think my parents would mind.
Now let's see what kind of student you are. How often do you skip class?
Only when I'm busy
Three times a week
Nearly every day, my dad teaches me everything I need to know.
What grades do you normally get in school?
As and Bs
All As
Bs and Cs


What subject would you excel at Hogwarts?
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Muggle Studies
Care of Magical Creatures
Do you ever turn in work late?
No, that's not allowed in my house.
Yes, but not too late.
Yes, and I don't mind getting marked down.
Yes, but I always ask for an extension first.
Have you ever gotten in trouble for talking to a friend in class?
Yes, but I wasn't even talking to them.
No, I don't do that.
Yes, but my parents didn't care.
Yes, and then I stopped.


Who do you think teaches you best?
My favorite teacher
My friends
My family
My dad
The next few questions are all about what you do in your free time. How often do you meet with friends?
Once a month
Once a week
Every day
Three times a week
When you're with friends, what are you most likely to do?
Make fun of people
Try to solve a mystery
Learn about muggles
Learn new spells


How much time do you spend reading for fun?
Every once in a while, just when I'm really bored.
Sometimes, but I'd rather learn firsthand.
None, there are way more fun things to do.
A lot, I always want to learn new spells.
Now, let's learn about some of your favorite things in the wizarding world. What is your favorite fantastic beast?
Which mode of transportation is your favorite?
The Hogwarts Train
Floo Powder
Flying motorcycle


What spell would be your signature spell?
Expecto Patronum
Do you like Quidditch?
I can live without.
Yes, it's my favorite.
No, muggle games are more interesting.
Yes, but I also like muggle games.
Do you think you'd be a Triwizard Champion?
No, but my dad would want me to try.
Yes, but I don't want to be.
No, but I'd try.
Yes, and I would be the winner.


Let's talk about the things you expect from a dad in the wizarding world. Do you think your dad should be kind?
Yes, but he doesn't have to be.
No, but he probably would be.
Yes, kinder than my mother.
Yes, but he might not have time for me.
Would your dad want to spend a lot of time with you?
Yes, but he wouldn't.
No, unless he needed something.
Yes, and he would do his best.
Yes, but it would all be learning.
If your dad wanted to teach you a new spell, would you listen?
No, he's too mean.
Yes, but I'd forget.
Only if it was a fun spell
Yes, I always listen.


Would your dad protect you if you were in danger?
I don't think so, but maybe.
Yes, if he is around.
Yes, of course!
Yes, but he'd rather teach me how to protect myself.
What will you and your wizard dad do together for fun?
Yell at each other
Hunt for something
Make jokes together
Learn a new spell
Which subject would your dad excel in in school?
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Muggle Studies
Care of Magical Creatures


Where did your dad and mom meet?
The Leaky Couldron
At a party
Here are a couple of random questions that will help us calculate your Harry Potter dad. What would your wand core be?
Dragon Heartstring
Unicorn Hair
Phoenix Feather
Werewolf Hair
What do you think your dad would do when you got your acceptance into Hogwarts?
Tell me it's no big deal
Smile and congratulate me
Throw a party for me
Teach me new spells


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