About This Quiz
"True Blood" is a fantasy horror television series that aired from September 2008 to August 2014 on HBO. It was based on "The Southern Vampire Mysteries" novel series by author Charlaine Harris, the first of which was published in 2001. It revolves around a telepathic waitress named Sookie Stackhouse who lives in the town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. Set in a world where vampires, werewolves, fairies and everything in between exists, Sookie is exposed to a whole new world packed with heartbreaks and terror around every corner.Â
The television show and the books are also known for their graphic sexual content and many people tuned in every week just to see that. In a series filled with attractive men and women in every scene, people around the world dreamed of what it would have been like to date one of them.Â
Will you soulmate be the irresistible vampire Eric Northman or the mysterious Bill Compton? Will it be the friendly shapeshifter Sam Merlot or will it be the human who was turned into the werepanther (and Sookie's hot brother) Jason Stackhouse? There is only one way to find out who your soulmate is, and that is by taking this quiz!
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