Can we guess why you are independent?

By: Ana Todorovic
Estimated Completion Time
2 min
Can we guess why you are independent?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Relationships can be tough and it's difficult to keep everyone happy. Sometimes you are better off being independent. Ever wonder why? Find out by taking this quiz!
How long was your last relationship?
3 years +
1-2 years
Under a year
I've never been in a relationship
What do you look for in a partner?
They must be kind and caring
They have to have good morals
They need to be able to make me laugh
I need them to be very attractive
What is your idea of a fun first date?
Dinner and a movie
A long walk through town
Talking over a glass of wine in the park
Going to a loud concert


How many relationships have you had in the past?
What is your favorite activity?
Talking with my friends
Playing sports
Going shopping
Trying out new restaurants
Which of the following people are most important to you?


What was the last meal you cooked?
A healthy balanced meal with veggies and protein
Cook? Does making a bowl of cereal count?
A big plate of spaghetti
Some eggs and bacon
Why do you think you are single?
I haven't found the right person
I don't give people a chance
I am stubborn
I don't want to make the first move.
What do you think of your friends relationships?
They are all so lovey dovey. It makes me want to puke in my mouth.
They are fun to be around but I sometimes feel like the 3rd wheel.
I am glad they found each other. Just waiting for my turn.
They all seem so happy. It must be fake.


What is the best quality you have to offer a significant other?
Kindness and ambition
Humor and stability
Wisdom and honesty
Good looks
How many close friends do you have?
Would you consider yourself a clean person?
Yes, I have daily chores to keep the house clean
Somewhat. I clean when I have time
Not really. I only clean when people are coming over.
Clean? That's the maids job.


How late do you usually go to bed?
9pm is my max
12 am or later
I go to bed when I'm tired
Sleep is for the weak
Which of the following is most important to you?
My job
My relationships with my family and friends
Attractive people
Do you believe in true love?
Yes, I'm still waiting.
Somewhat. I think people work well when they work at it.
No, it's just a bunch of mumbo jumbo big corporations have brained washed us with to sell more useless items like chocolate and flowers.
I would like to but I'm not sure anymore.


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