Women: Which Truck Are You?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Women: Which Truck Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Women and trucks are two things that aren't always thought of as two things that go together But why not? While trucks are traditionally driven by men, more and more women are doing typical guy jobs every day; it isn't a rare thing at all to see a woman behind the wheel anymore. And not only that, but trucks and women both have a lot in common. Women are reliable, hardworking and they often want to take care of the people that they love, and if you have ever had a good truck, you know that they have the exact same qualities.

But if you were a truck, which one would you be? Some of them are sporty and stylish, and ready for a night out on the town, while others are all business, getting started in the morning and working all day long. Still, others are tough and strong and ready for anything. There are even some trucks that are all about ripping it up in the great outdoors and having fun. Yes, there are a lot of different types of women in the world, but there are a lot of different trucks too. Ladies, take this quiz and see what truck you are.

What animal are you most like when you wake up in the morning?
What do you think people like most about you?
People like that I'm in control of my life.
I think people like the fact that I'm not complicated.
People like the fact that I am hardworking.
My friends like that I will always give the straight truth.
How much TV do you watch?
I really only watch the news.
I'm a binge watcher.
I don't watch TV.
I watch too much TV.


Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
I am whatever the situation demands.
I'm more of an introvert.
I think I'm more of an ambivert.
I'm more of an extrovert.
How do you feel about your coworkers?
My coworkers are delightful.
I like some of them.
My coworkers really make me laugh.
My coworkers are lazy.
Do you enjoy gardening?
I grow many things every summer.
I wish I was better at gardening.
Gardening is not my thing.
I prefer growing houseplants.


Where would you and your best friend go on vacation?
We would go to New York City.
We would take a trip to Tennessee.
I think we would like to go somewhere like Japan.
We would make our way to Los Angeles.
Who do you turn to when you need advice?
I talk to my spouse.
I talk to my best friend.
My mom is always there to listen.
I usually give myself a tough pep talk.
How physically active are you?
I work out a couple times a week.
My job keeps me in shape.
I do a lot of walking.
I work out and lift weights.


What kind of driver do you think you are?
What would your parents say is your best trait?
Work ethic
What kind of music do you listen to most often?
I listen to more talk radio than music.


What household task to you like the least?
Paying bills makes me crazy.
I'm not fond of doing dishes.
Trash duty should belong to someone else.
I don't really like cleaning the bathroom.
How would you order your burger?
Well done
I prefer veggie burgers.
What kind of party did you last attend?
It was a birthday party.
It was an office party.
It was a dance party.
It was a kid's party.


What would you like most about driving a truck?
I would like being able to move things.
I would like being able to go off road.
I would like sitting up higher than cars.
I would like the horsepower.
What would you like to have more of in your life?
I wish I had more free time.
I wish I had more money.
I wish I had more pets.
I wish I had more children.
Are you more of a tomboy or a girlie girl?
I can go either way.
I'm more of a tomboy.
I don't like those terms.
I'm totally girlie.


Which of your physical features do you like most?
I like my hands.
I like my eyes.
I like my arms.
I'm proud of my abs.
How are you most likely to spend an evening at home?
I would catch up on projects.
I would make dinner for my family and friends.
I'm most likely to watch Netflix.
I'm most likely to clean.
Have you ever attempted a remodeling project?
I have done several remodeling projects.
I have a million projects I would like to do.
I prefer to leave that kind of thing to the pros.
I have an unfinished project or two.


Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I like them both.
Cats cannot ride in your truck with you.
I'm a cat person.
I'm not much of an animal person.
Which word describes your first car?
Do you like romantic comedies?
Romantic comedies are ridiculous.
I love a good romantic movie!
I like the comedy part more than the romance part.
There's a good film in every genre.


What is your relationship status?
I'm married.
It's a little complicated.
It's none of your business.
I'm single and loving it.
Are you a bargain shopper?
I can't pass up a good bargain!
I live for the clearance rack!
I don't have time to compare prices.
I look for quality over a good deal.
Do you prefer a manual shift or an automatic transmission?
I can drive both of them.
I prefer a stick!
I need an automatic transmission.
I don't know the difference.


Which actor do you think is most attractive?
Sean Connery
Adam Sandler
Tom Cruise
Rupert Grint
Do you ever get road rage?
No, I'm really calm on the road.
Who doesn't get road rage from time to time?
If I'm in a hurry, I get road rage.
I have an issue with road rage.
How old were you when you learned to drive?
I was a teenager.
I was in my 20s.
I was very young.
I was in my 30s.


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